
Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Surreal Dream

I stared at the dark clouds and noticed that some of the clouds seem to be glowing a blueish colour. I looked closer, the outline of a lantern. I stared at a different one searching for that lantern outline. It was there, I searched for a way to get up. The hill maybe... The tall redwood trees? What to do... I decided on the redwood trees and dashed through the forest the sound of cracking sticks and crunching dry leaves, followed behind me. I found a tall redwood tree around 7 stories tall and started climbing. Making my way through the lush leaves until I reached the top...

I saw the light of the moon shine down of me as I pushed away the last leaves and standing on a large branch at the top. I looked down searching for any sigh of the lanterns. Then a bright glimmer and one appeared. "They are here I wasn't hallucinating!!!" I cried in joy. But why were they here? Where did they come from...?

As one of the lanterns reached the top of the redwood tree I grabbed it examining it. What was inside? I looked closer. It seemed as if a pixie fluttered inside. "Maybe I could break the glass and figure out what's causing the light?" I broke a nearby tree branch and slammed it into the glass smashing it. Then a small glowing blue dot with what seemed to have wings fluttered out what its a...

"PIXIE" I screeched falling off the tree... Then I blacked out and I woke up in my bed...? So maybe it was just a dream... "Thats shenanigans!" Amy said my best friend. I guess it really was just a dream...


Monday, December 6, 2021

Visual Art -Arts

Today we finished off our 3 week project. We were inspired by Reuben Patterson and made painting using his painting as inspiration.

Monday Mashup 2021 term 4


I kinda just scribbled to see what tunes I could get and this is what I got in return.

Friday, December 3, 2021

Curiosity Poem

 Curiosity Poem

Curiosity, Curiosity,

What do you mean?

Am I interested in a object?

Or something else?

What could that be?

Being Curious is odd.

What interested me in this?

Is it an object or living being? 

Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Stranded in Space || Quick write 2021 term 4

I Stared up into the sky. What were the other planets like? Did they have life? I turned back to my book. As a smashing noise filled the air, I ran towards the noise into the dorm kitchen. My eyes darted around the room searching for where the noise might have come from. There lying on the checkered floor was a golden sparkly lamp. With of course broken glass as I look at my broken window. I rubbed my eyes, was I seeing things, or was my window seriously broken? Was this another prank from my neighbours next door? I stared at the lamp slowly heading towards it… Then there was a swirl of purple smoke and a genie appeared! I couldn’t believe my eyes! I grabbed a sticky note from my pocket and started writing what I wanted down… The genie explained the rules as I wrote… “3 wishes 3 rules… one I can’t kill anyone, two can't bring back the dead, three I can’t make people fall in love with you and four you can’t wish for more wishes… what's your wish?” I chuckled and said “I wish anything written on this sticky note would come true…” The genie glared at me “smart” the genie said but you have two more wishes. What are you gonna do now? “I wish to be teleported to Saturn and to have a spaceship that can teleport anywhere by saying the location and who's going to be teleported where!” Then the genie disappeared and the world went black… I woke up to I black sky and gas all around me. Was I really on Saturn…?

Chapter 2 Lost Cause

She forgot how would her family know where she was? What was her next move? She walked around in the cloud like gas, but she could walk on it it was one of the very things she wished for on that note... She wandered thinking but then remember the spaceship. Then in a blink of a eye it appeared it look like those toy ones you could get but like x100 the size. It was grey with red fins and tip, with a clear blue window. I boarded slowly making my way up the steps. when I was inside I chanted "Name Annie Ray... Location Earth South America braze street." I blackout and awakened again on my home street of course! I walked to my parents house and knocked loudly on the white wooden door. The breeze carry the multicoloured autumn leaves... The door opened slightly and my mums face glared at me "Who are you?" She asked politely.


Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Blending In || Quick Write 2021 term 4

Blending In...
As they dashed off, a glimmer of stripes could been seen in the crowd. The chase had begun... As they bolted across the stormy savanna. loud blood screeching neighs could be heared throughout the gallops of the other horses. The question was what is the predator? My stripes were easy to spot what if I got caught, was I the main prey? There's a glimmer in the sky a rainbow was there. Although that didn't help in this situation. I was slowing down exhausted from galloping for so long but if I stopped I was dead meat...

The sound of striking lighting echoed but then the herd split into two. There was another neigh as a horse dropped dead. I galloped the left path away from the screeching neighs. It led to a dark forest with tall oak trees waving in the strong wind. There was a slam as a medium sized tree hit the ground. As the herd arrived at the forest some stopped although I didn't I quickened and disappeared into the shadows of the forest...

The sound of horses slowed before disappearing I slowed to a trot. There was cactus green shrubs and long curvy vines. I that I could here now was the thunder and pattering of the rain...

To be continued...

Monday, November 29, 2021

Cat Carriage

 ArtStation - Neytirix . 

The Trailer had many different things bags, rugs anything you could imagine. I fiery lantern hanged from the tip probably used for guiding the cat's way in the dark. The grey cat had a white under belly and many different accessories from gold bands to a strange looking hat, and a bow tie ofcourse. Thats all I could see from looking up at the large cat. Around 5 times the size of me.

Wednesday, November 24, 2021


I like to bake. The other day I made cupcakes! Chocolate to be exact, I never put the cupcakes or whatever im baking in the oven though I don't like the idea of putting my hands in something. That with one movement could touch the burning hot side of the oven. Its not fun to have a burn thats why I avoid getting one. I normally get my mum to! Me and my mum love baking its why we do it. Its also why I don't get hungry as often because I'll snack on some cupcakes or slice. Homemade is the best!

Monday, November 22, 2021

Music MMU

I tried to create viva happy in music lab lets say it didn't turn out well. I tried im not good at making songs into tunes.

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Squiggly Power Pylon

The suns shimmering rays bolted across the plains like a flowing river. The lush green grass wavering in the wind. The trees where as tall as elephants, and the golden sun aroused. The light blue sky and the clouds like white candyfloss. 

In the distance you could see the other power pylons comrades. It was so hot that the pylons looked squiggly. You can feel the electricity in the air how many volts was this? The pylon was large around half the size of Eiffel tower. 

Thursday, November 4, 2021

A long time ago...

"Huh? Who are you?" I said to the strange woman next to me as I laid in the hospital bed. "Its me your mother don't you remember me?" I sat there "my mum? Sorry but I don't remember you..." There was silence for a moment before my supposed mother exited. I waited alone wondering where I was is it possible was I in a coma...? Two doctors entered the room asking me strange questions like what was my name, favourite colour all sorts.

Then they broke the news to me I had gotten in a car crash and my parents had died as well as my sister. If that was the truth who was that woman...I was 16 and adopted into a new home what would me new life be like. Well they treated me nicely but now as a wife theirs one strange thing I remember. I was walking with my adoptive parents and I saw that same strange woman, the one I saw in the hospital. I walked up to her and asked "who are you?" then I noticed there was a man and a teenager around the same aga as me... At that moment it hit me. My parents had put me up for adoption but for what reason? After that moment they quickly bolted from me. That was a long time ago now...

Monday, November 1, 2021

Japanese Learning

Konnichiwa! I have been interested in japan for a long time and have been learning about it at home. I also 
learnt some basic words in Japanese I will be showing some of them in this post.

Normally to greet somebody or say 'hello' but in Japanese language you would say:
"Konnichiwa" meaning 'hello' and afterwards you could say "O genki desu ka?" meaning 'how are you?'

If you wanted to say goodbye after having a nice conversation you can say "Sayonara!" meaning 'bye' or 'goodbye'.

Now you might be wondering, how do I introduce myself to somebody? you say:
"Watashi wa (your name) desu" 

So in total you would say "Konnichiwa watashi wa (your name) desu, o genki desu ka?" A few minutes pass and "sayonara."

Otherwise thats all I know so far other then 'arigato' (thank you) and a few numbers. Wish me luck on my journey!

Thursday, October 28, 2021

Science Inquiry 2021

My Science Inquiry 2021

by Olivia

Me (Olivia), Lyshia Lily are learning what different types of rocks there are on earth and how they're formed.

We have been gathered our information on a google slide. 

I am working with Lily because she's my friend and to help her. We have not been working well together at some points in time Lily got a bit chatty and got distracted with what other people were doing. Otherwise, we worked well together.

My questions were 
  1. How do different rocks get in contact with each other if they form in different places and ways?
  2. If metamorphic rocks form from pressure deep down how do you find them on the surface or can you find them on the surface at all?
  3. Are there any other types of rocks on earth other then igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks?

I learnt
  •  There are three different types of rocks igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic.
  •  The word igneous comes from the Latin word ignis which means fire.
  • Sedimentary rocks often contain fossils and plants from millions of years ago.
I decided that me and my team are going to share the different rocks types in 3 different experiments for igneous rocks. We are going to make hokey pokey, dyed black (I don't know how we're going to know if it's burning or not). We are going to make our own sedimentary rocks for metamorphic rocks we are going to try a chocolate experiment in which we will be putting pressure on the chocolate and melting it.

Volcanic Experiment! (Igneous rocks)
We have created a wonderful volcano and made it erupt how did we you ask? well, we made play-dough and shaped it into a volcano. We decorated it with rocks and sand. Then it was time to erupt! I poured white vinegar into the volcano and my teammate Lily dumped a tbs of baking soda in it then it ERUPTED!!!!! 

Most challenging thing:
Keeping the group together and coming up with ideas to share our work.

The thing I'm most proud of:
Working together as a team.

Our slide 

Friday, September 17, 2021

The Sun Mindmap


Friday, August 27, 2021


More fun activities, you can probably tell from the title that this was tricky. So yeah me and my mum paired up today and made cheesecake. There were three layers first the cookie base then the cream cheese layer (whatever you call it) and the jelly layer. We/me choose the blue jelly. It has to cool for 4 hours and I wanna eat it now! This was a very fun adventure and me and my mum bonded. Afterwards we watched a cooking show (it made us look like noobs compared to the master
piece's they made! That's really all I have to tell today. Stay safe!

Tuesday, August 24, 2021


You can probably tell already this is gonna be horrible but I still gave it a shot...
We got a sewing kit at the book fair on Monday and now its lockdown so I decided to give it a shot. I took a while 45 min to 1 hour it was painful, I kept stabbing myself with the needle by accident and dropping it and losing the needle (there's still one lying around, thats something for me to be excited about.)  I also had trouble getting the floss into the needle (It took me forever.) and I had some trouble tying the knot. So I did finish and my brother gave me a good when he saw it (I did it all by myself and it was my first time.) I was proud and hearing a good from my brother was a miracle.

Here's the end result! (I plan on making more.)

Friday, August 13, 2021


I looked around is the world a better place now. I thought back to the time I had been shot in battle. it was winter I think I can't quite recall. I was in the Russian army we were battling against a different country, I was firing at the enemy forces. Then at the moment I heared a gun shot and everything went black. I woke up again it was blury at first but it cleared up quickly. The doctors had told me I was shot and retrieved by other men, I remember seeing a other man being brought through he had multiple injuries it had looked like he was hit by a bomb. As I entered the battle field I pulled out a gun and shot a man, I felt guilty remembered my family back at home what if he had one to?

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Under the Earth's Surface

The Inner Core 
The inner core is made out of solid iron.

The Outer Core
The outer core is made out of molten iron.

The Mantle
The mantle is made out of rock. The mantle is a very hot part of earth causing the liquid to behave, like liquid and solid.

The Crust
The crust is the part of the earth were most life is were we move and live. The crust is much thinner and breakable compared to other layers. The crust is 5-70km deep, depending on were you are on top of a mountain or under the ocean. the crust isn't endless all the way around the earth, it is split into pieces call tectonic plates.

Tectonic Plates
Scientists think the earth is made of 6 majorly large tectonic plate and a few more smaller ones. The plates fit like a puzzle and float on on the partially molten mantle. The slowly move and bump against each other, a few millimetres a year to up to 20 cm. It is the bumping and rubbing of the tectonic plates thet cause earthquakes and volcanoes

The Earth/Candyland

The Candy Earth
Today we made a representation of earth.
We stuffed the m & m into the marsh-mellow, then coated the marsh-mellow in chocolate and we waited for it to dry before squeezing it to make cracks for tectonic plates.

Marsh-mellow (Mantle)
Chocolate Coat (Crust)
Cracks in Chocolate Coat (Tectonic Plates)
M & M Shell (Outer Core)
M & M Inside (Inner Core)

EATTTT!!! :3

Temperature, Capacity and Mass Slideshow

 Temperature Capacity and Mass.

Literacy Circles

For literacy we did literacy circles about this book based off Matariki, heres what we did!

Tuesday, August 3, 2021

The Egg Earth

The Egg Earth
Today for Inquiry me and my group (Willow, Eloise and Sophia-Jane) made connections with the earth and a hard boiled egg. We smashed the outside of the egg slightly for the egg shell to look like it was split into tectonic plates. 
Listed parts of the egg we compared to the earth.
  • Egg Shell (the Crust)
  • Egg White (the Mantle)
  • The grey part around the yolk (Outer Core)
  • The Yolk (Inner Core)


Monday, August 2, 2021

Monday Mashup (3)


Today for Monday mashup I drew a random creature I named it Mushy Kat-shy.

Monday, July 26, 2021

My Adventures in the School Holidays

As I descended onto the rubble track, William and dad joined me. Excitement filled me top to bottom, as we arrived the wet rocks slightly moved. The waves crashed, sadly nothing seemed to really move around so I was hard to tell if it was the creatures we were looking for. Can you guess the animal?

There was an other rubble track but we knew they wouldn't be here. This was a new adventure! Big sandy cliffs, there was a archway half of it was buried in the deep blue. Wild big bushes why hadn't they destroyed them? We made our way three quarters down. We stared at the sandy arch. 

Then dad pointed out the stone tunnel. We slowly made our way down the steps the wet stone walls around the small tunnel. I was surprised how does my dad a 6.6 foot man not have to duck down to get down these steps!? As we arrived at the end of the tunnels big rocks made up the ground there was a little sand. dad and William adventure to look into through the archway, I was to scared to explore. dad encouraged me to venture forward. So I did I looked through the archway before the tide came up to me, though I didn't see much I was to small. Now we just had to get back up to the car... Can you guess were I went?

We were to late can't see them this trip, I was disappointed we couldn't see the them this time. It was disappointing I really did want to see their chicks. at least I got to watch a video about them sadly long line fishing has been most reasons for their deaths, I hope they will live and thrive in the future! Can you guess the animal?

We had been it the car forever it felt like but it was time dad called me and William out of the car he wanted to show us a special place. We walked down the beach. William made a jump over a small stream making its way to the ocean, I made a leap but it came with a cost of slightly wet shoes. We could see them the strange round stones, how did they even get here. once we arrived at the strange stones dad took some photos and we made our way back. we found a rock pool like an actual rock pool, one of the rock had a crater in it. Water had filled that crater and sea life was in it, we even managed to find a starfish in there! Can you guess were we went?

Friday, July 9, 2021

Reflection of my term

My Reflection

This term when we were learning about New Zealand history, my favourite thing we did was when we walked the Bridle Path. Because I understood the how the European settlers felt and I also liked sliding down the hill on the way down (that was my favourite part.) Sadly my mum fell twice and injured her knee. I also liked I got to the top I felt like I achieved something that I could be proud of (im never doing it again.)  Overall I enjoyed it, not the part when my legs were dying though.

Just imagine getting off the boat that you've been on for months and then having to walk up a big hill with all of your stuff. With handmade shoes, yeah probably not fun. It would feel painful going through that for hopefully a better life.

Capture The Flag 

This term winter sport started I have chosen capture the flag and I have been enjoying it so far. For capture the flag we have been VS other schools sometimes we have to have some of our players go on the other team. I remember that time on my first game when I slided on my knees to rip them (I think I saved the day.) Also that game when I scored for the first time. 

Thursday, July 8, 2021

School Lunches

Now for a couple terms school lunches have been delivered to us. I never really ate them it was nice to have them delivered but I never ate one, because well I didn't enjoy them. Now I do collect them a fair bit the record for me was well... 14 of them I collect them for my mum she eats them and she doesn't have to pay for sandwiches to have at work. She enjoys them, we even did work about them for maths once! Though I still don't eat them. 

The Bridle Path Walk

Why did we go?
Because we wanted to experience what the Europeans went through.

What did we do?
we walked up the easier end which is the Lyttleton side and went down towards Christchurch. I had a lot of fun sliding down the mountain but my mum fell twice and badly bruise her knee ):

How did it feel?
Painful at first then more painful but when I saw the top I felt like I was in heaven. On the way down I was just having fun (:

How hard do I think it was for the Europeans?
Well on the way up me and my mum saw this picture of them they were using horses and had loads of luggage. They didn't have the best shoes and there were no fences to keep them from falling. So they had to carry all of there heavy luggage, with handmade shoes and with no fences to protect them from falling off. 

What was the hardest part for me?
Climbing up the steeper parts and the wind at the top my bag almost flew away.

How did I feel when I achieved it?
I was proud and really happy. Im never doing it again :3

The Mystery Door

Today was the day she and her friend were exploring the forest. “Hola Hatsume” said Bella as she walked over. They entered the forest behind her house. Tall lush trees covered the land, dead leaves crunched as they stepped on them. There was a clearing in the forest, fresh grass and “a- a small hill” I muttered. Small rocky doors and entrances covered the tiny hill. Darkness crawled inside the two archways. A grey carved door, could it be opened? I stepped closer slowly, Bella stayed there as still as a statue. “Click” went the flashlight switch as I flicked it. Bella sat there as if she was listening. I shone the flashlight into one of the archways. A twinkle of golden dust fluttered down and the sound of tiny wing beats. I moved my flashlight to the other entrance… A small looking girl with a pink dress and “W- WINGS? Could it be?” with a flash she was gone… Bella walked over and she looked terrified.

Bella pointed to her phone, there was a notification  “WARNING FLOOD.” In a second she grabbed my arm and ran up to the top of the rocky hill, slowly muddy water appeared rising. It was around the height of a one story house, me and Bella started to swim. “Wait a second THAT FAIRY” I shouted diving back to the archways. The flashlight pointed into one of them, two fairies had passed out in the middle of the archway. I grabbed them and swam to the surface.                                                                      

1 hour later… 

The water had sunk to around half a one story building. The fairies had woken up and thanked us. me and Bella grabbed some silver buckets from a nearby well. “Why do you think the fairies live here?” whispered Bella “you think I have an idea!” I said in return. We started filling the buckets up with the water and dumping it into the stone brick well. The water was gone, the fairies thanked us and gave us “golden dust particles?” I said to the fairies “ITS PIXIE DUST” one of the fairies yelled at me.

“Bye” I said running off. I woke up “it was a dream”

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

My Inquiry V hut

Our V hut

For Inquiry we have been learning about New Zealand history. So we have created a Model of a V hut, which early Europeans lived in. They lived in V huts because they were easy to build. 

We made the V hut out of cardboard because it was similar to the wood, the V huts were made of back in the 1850s. We covered the roof with brown card-like paper and tied it up to look like flax. Which the people would cover their roof with to keep the inside warm. We added a fire which they would use to cook or heat their ironer. We made a clothes line made out of cardboard to symbolise the wooden clothes line they used to dry their clothes in the 1850s. We created a two man crosscut saw which they used to cut the wood for the fire back in the 1850s. We made a garden because how else are they supposed to get vegetables and fruit? We made a laundry bucket because that's how they washed their clothes in the 1850s.  


Friday, July 2, 2021


The milky way revealed itself glittering in the sky. shining stars brightly shimmered in the milky way. Clouds of stardust glimmered scattered around the night sky. Reflecting off the water the milky way looked like a glittering ring. There are all types of stars in the milky way. She could white dwarfs, red dwarfs, brown dwarfs, red giants, hyper giants, main sequence stars and more. Their beautiful colours remain in the sky but not forever

She stood at the very edge of the water. She slipped a grey old camera from her pocket and snapped some photos. The moon settled in the middle of the sky. The sky grew darker around her as the black void appeared in the sky's place.

She was viewing a supernova through the lens of a telescope. Giant space rocks floating in the endless void as they blasted away in the explosion. Feeding its mass back to the universe. To create a new series of stars to shine in our night sky. 

Thursday, July 1, 2021

Emmie The Empress of Light

 my only words are  "I love her"
Emmie The Empress of Light
pixel art