
Friday, July 9, 2021

Reflection of my term

My Reflection

This term when we were learning about New Zealand history, my favourite thing we did was when we walked the Bridle Path. Because I understood the how the European settlers felt and I also liked sliding down the hill on the way down (that was my favourite part.) Sadly my mum fell twice and injured her knee. I also liked I got to the top I felt like I achieved something that I could be proud of (im never doing it again.)  Overall I enjoyed it, not the part when my legs were dying though.

Just imagine getting off the boat that you've been on for months and then having to walk up a big hill with all of your stuff. With handmade shoes, yeah probably not fun. It would feel painful going through that for hopefully a better life.

Capture The Flag 

This term winter sport started I have chosen capture the flag and I have been enjoying it so far. For capture the flag we have been VS other schools sometimes we have to have some of our players go on the other team. I remember that time on my first game when I slided on my knees to rip them (I think I saved the day.) Also that game when I scored for the first time. 

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