
Friday, July 2, 2021


The milky way revealed itself glittering in the sky. shining stars brightly shimmered in the milky way. Clouds of stardust glimmered scattered around the night sky. Reflecting off the water the milky way looked like a glittering ring. There are all types of stars in the milky way. She could white dwarfs, red dwarfs, brown dwarfs, red giants, hyper giants, main sequence stars and more. Their beautiful colours remain in the sky but not forever

She stood at the very edge of the water. She slipped a grey old camera from her pocket and snapped some photos. The moon settled in the middle of the sky. The sky grew darker around her as the black void appeared in the sky's place.

She was viewing a supernova through the lens of a telescope. Giant space rocks floating in the endless void as they blasted away in the explosion. Feeding its mass back to the universe. To create a new series of stars to shine in our night sky. 

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