
Thursday, July 8, 2021

The Mystery Door

Today was the day she and her friend were exploring the forest. “Hola Hatsume” said Bella as she walked over. They entered the forest behind her house. Tall lush trees covered the land, dead leaves crunched as they stepped on them. There was a clearing in the forest, fresh grass and “a- a small hill” I muttered. Small rocky doors and entrances covered the tiny hill. Darkness crawled inside the two archways. A grey carved door, could it be opened? I stepped closer slowly, Bella stayed there as still as a statue. “Click” went the flashlight switch as I flicked it. Bella sat there as if she was listening. I shone the flashlight into one of the archways. A twinkle of golden dust fluttered down and the sound of tiny wing beats. I moved my flashlight to the other entrance… A small looking girl with a pink dress and “W- WINGS? Could it be?” with a flash she was gone… Bella walked over and she looked terrified.

Bella pointed to her phone, there was a notification  “WARNING FLOOD.” In a second she grabbed my arm and ran up to the top of the rocky hill, slowly muddy water appeared rising. It was around the height of a one story house, me and Bella started to swim. “Wait a second THAT FAIRY” I shouted diving back to the archways. The flashlight pointed into one of them, two fairies had passed out in the middle of the archway. I grabbed them and swam to the surface.                                                                      

1 hour later… 

The water had sunk to around half a one story building. The fairies had woken up and thanked us. me and Bella grabbed some silver buckets from a nearby well. “Why do you think the fairies live here?” whispered Bella “you think I have an idea!” I said in return. We started filling the buckets up with the water and dumping it into the stone brick well. The water was gone, the fairies thanked us and gave us “golden dust particles?” I said to the fairies “ITS PIXIE DUST” one of the fairies yelled at me.

“Bye” I said running off. I woke up “it was a dream”

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