
Tuesday, August 24, 2021


You can probably tell already this is gonna be horrible but I still gave it a shot...
We got a sewing kit at the book fair on Monday and now its lockdown so I decided to give it a shot. I took a while 45 min to 1 hour it was painful, I kept stabbing myself with the needle by accident and dropping it and losing the needle (there's still one lying around, thats something for me to be excited about.)  I also had trouble getting the floss into the needle (It took me forever.) and I had some trouble tying the knot. So I did finish and my brother gave me a good when he saw it (I did it all by myself and it was my first time.) I was proud and hearing a good from my brother was a miracle.

Here's the end result! (I plan on making more.)


  1. Hi Olivia, I am really impressed with how you stuck with your project even when it was difficult. It can be frustrating when you are learning a new skill. You have done a great job's cute! I hope you don't find that missing needle by standing on it!!!!

    1. Good news I found the needle safely!

  2. Olivia what an awesome effort. I could see you sitting there persevering with your sewing and giggling away. I look forward to seeing more of your creations. Good luck with finding the needle.

  3. Olivia that is so cute. Good on you for not giving up. I have been teaching my granddaughter to knit, it's challenging but fun. What's your next goal?

    1. I plan to try crocheting I don't know when I should do it though. I also know nothing about it.

  4. Hi Olivia
    Wow what a great job you did. You showed real perseverance to keep going even when you found it difficult. Wasn't it lucky that you had been to the Book Fair before the lockdown. I do quite a bit of sewing and I know how annoying it is to lose your needle!! What is your next sewing project going to be? I can't wait to see it.

  5. Hi Olivia, if you haven't already tried to crochet a friend of mine told me to Google easy crocheting as it gives you very clear instructions. Like you my granddaughter Rylee also wants to try to crochet, her knitting is going well. Good luck and let me know how you get on.


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