
Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Blending In || Quick Write 2021 term 4

Blending In...
As they dashed off, a glimmer of stripes could been seen in the crowd. The chase had begun... As they bolted across the stormy savanna. loud blood screeching neighs could be heared throughout the gallops of the other horses. The question was what is the predator? My stripes were easy to spot what if I got caught, was I the main prey? There's a glimmer in the sky a rainbow was there. Although that didn't help in this situation. I was slowing down exhausted from galloping for so long but if I stopped I was dead meat...

The sound of striking lighting echoed but then the herd split into two. There was another neigh as a horse dropped dead. I galloped the left path away from the screeching neighs. It led to a dark forest with tall oak trees waving in the strong wind. There was a slam as a medium sized tree hit the ground. As the herd arrived at the forest some stopped although I didn't I quickened and disappeared into the shadows of the forest...

The sound of horses slowed before disappearing I slowed to a trot. There was cactus green shrubs and long curvy vines. I that I could here now was the thunder and pattering of the rain...

To be continued...

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