
Thursday, November 4, 2021

A long time ago...

"Huh? Who are you?" I said to the strange woman next to me as I laid in the hospital bed. "Its me your mother don't you remember me?" I sat there "my mum? Sorry but I don't remember you..." There was silence for a moment before my supposed mother exited. I waited alone wondering where I was is it possible was I in a coma...? Two doctors entered the room asking me strange questions like what was my name, favourite colour all sorts.

Then they broke the news to me I had gotten in a car crash and my parents had died as well as my sister. If that was the truth who was that woman...I was 16 and adopted into a new home what would me new life be like. Well they treated me nicely but now as a wife theirs one strange thing I remember. I was walking with my adoptive parents and I saw that same strange woman, the one I saw in the hospital. I walked up to her and asked "who are you?" then I noticed there was a man and a teenager around the same aga as me... At that moment it hit me. My parents had put me up for adoption but for what reason? After that moment they quickly bolted from me. That was a long time ago now...

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