
Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Surreal Dream

I stared at the dark clouds and noticed that some of the clouds seem to be glowing a blueish colour. I looked closer, the outline of a lantern. I stared at a different one searching for that lantern outline. It was there, I searched for a way to get up. The hill maybe... The tall redwood trees? What to do... I decided on the redwood trees and dashed through the forest the sound of cracking sticks and crunching dry leaves, followed behind me. I found a tall redwood tree around 7 stories tall and started climbing. Making my way through the lush leaves until I reached the top...

I saw the light of the moon shine down of me as I pushed away the last leaves and standing on a large branch at the top. I looked down searching for any sigh of the lanterns. Then a bright glimmer and one appeared. "They are here I wasn't hallucinating!!!" I cried in joy. But why were they here? Where did they come from...?

As one of the lanterns reached the top of the redwood tree I grabbed it examining it. What was inside? I looked closer. It seemed as if a pixie fluttered inside. "Maybe I could break the glass and figure out what's causing the light?" I broke a nearby tree branch and slammed it into the glass smashing it. Then a small glowing blue dot with what seemed to have wings fluttered out what its a...

"PIXIE" I screeched falling off the tree... Then I blacked out and I woke up in my bed...? So maybe it was just a dream... "Thats shenanigans!" Amy said my best friend. I guess it really was just a dream...


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