
Thursday, June 17, 2021

Was The Europeans Coming to New Zealand Good for Everyone

Was The Europeans Coming to New Zealand Good for Everyone

I disagree and agree

Did you know the Europeans took New Zealand as their land and were murderers and thieves!

The Europeans made a treaty with the maori but the maori didn’t understand the writing of the Treaty of Waitangi because it was translated wrong. This was tricking the maori as they didn’t understand so they just sighed the treaty. Then the Europeans started taking too much land. The maori didn’t want this so they defended their land and the land wars started. The maori only wanted peace and many maori were killed because the Europeans tricked them and took their land. These land wars lasted from 1945 to 1972. That's 27 years!  

The Europeans brought diseases and parasites to New Zealand.  The Europeans brought the measles and the flu to New Zealand, the maori did not have any defense against these diseases. Back then A lot of the maori died from these diseases around 4,000 a year! 

The Europeans cut down most of the forests in the 1800s, by the end of the 1800s 3 quarters of the forest was cut down and were used for farmland and houses. The forest was cut down from 85% down to 53%.

In conclusion, where New Zealand is now we're doing great! But the maori suffered too much to get to the stage of peace and happiness. They deserve to be treated better. 

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