
Friday, June 18, 2021

Our Sun

The Sun

our sun is one of many stars in the milky way galaxy our home. How was the sun formed? 4.5 billion years ago a solar nebula which is a giant spinning ball of gas and dust. As the nebula collapsed because gravity was overwhelming strong, it spun faster and flattened into a disk. these nebulae are formed from the leftovers from supernovas (A stars death.) The sun will die someday but before death the sun goes into and other faze. 

Red Giants. red giants are near the end of the stars life its a shorts faze for stars but for us a long time. when the sun turns into a red giant (around 7.5 billion years from now,) it exhausts the hydrogen in its core and starts to burn helium. when this happens the sun will grow around 256 times its current radius swallowing the inner planets Mercury and Venus.

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