
Tuesday, June 8, 2021

The Old Railroad (Long write)


"Cho Choo" went the train I stared out the window, lush green trees waved in the wind. It was very hard to see through the eerie grey fog, tall green grass and annoying weeds covered the brown dirt. I looked back at the spongy lime forest moss covering the rickety railway track. every time the pitch black train wobbled I jumped thinking it would crash and fall. 

I didn't know why I decided I would go on this great adventure, I didn't even know were I was going.  I had looked up and saw the message on my phone "you won a free trip to Disney land" I don't think this is Disney land but, I'm happy my friends came though Jessica, Sophie and Ellie came. I blew at the foggy window and wiped my fingers on the window the train was heading deeper into the forest.

I looked out the front of the train I noticed there were to separate ways, I shivered one end went to a stop the railway road went up towards the trees the other went deeper into the forest. the train turned we were not going towards the stop the fog grew thicker it felt more eerie the trees were taller larger darker. The wind whistled and the sound of thunder filled my ears the sound of stormy heavy rain. It poured with clear rain drops and lighting flashed and crashed. I could barely see the trees. The train bumped and bounced I hear Sophie shouted "ARE WE EVEN ON THE RAILWAY" nobody answered. Then in a deep voice, "no." Then with a flash of light the fog faded and the sun shined brightly in the sky. I looked back at the railway we were on it. brightly coloured flowers filled the plains. But were we safe still...?


  1. Hi olivia
    I like how you used a question at the end of your story because it leaves you thinking. This reminds me about when I took a nature walk with my family.

  2. Hello Olivia,this is really nice and especially the question at the end.

    Watch where you put capitals and where you shouldn't. The bit where she gets a message from disney-land reminded me of scammers that was really funny :)


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