
Monday, June 28, 2021

My Inquiry Design


Door: made of brown paper
Walls: made of popsicle sticks
Roof: made of popsicle sticks
Base: made of card

Friday, June 25, 2021

Friday, June 18, 2021

Our Sun

The Sun

our sun is one of many stars in the milky way galaxy our home. How was the sun formed? 4.5 billion years ago a solar nebula which is a giant spinning ball of gas and dust. As the nebula collapsed because gravity was overwhelming strong, it spun faster and flattened into a disk. these nebulae are formed from the leftovers from supernovas (A stars death.) The sun will die someday but before death the sun goes into and other faze. 

Red Giants. red giants are near the end of the stars life its a shorts faze for stars but for us a long time. when the sun turns into a red giant (around 7.5 billion years from now,) it exhausts the hydrogen in its core and starts to burn helium. when this happens the sun will grow around 256 times its current radius swallowing the inner planets Mercury and Venus.

Thursday, June 17, 2021

Was The Europeans Coming to New Zealand Good for Everyone

Was The Europeans Coming to New Zealand Good for Everyone

I disagree and agree

Did you know the Europeans took New Zealand as their land and were murderers and thieves!

The Europeans made a treaty with the maori but the maori didn’t understand the writing of the Treaty of Waitangi because it was translated wrong. This was tricking the maori as they didn’t understand so they just sighed the treaty. Then the Europeans started taking too much land. The maori didn’t want this so they defended their land and the land wars started. The maori only wanted peace and many maori were killed because the Europeans tricked them and took their land. These land wars lasted from 1945 to 1972. That's 27 years!  

The Europeans brought diseases and parasites to New Zealand.  The Europeans brought the measles and the flu to New Zealand, the maori did not have any defense against these diseases. Back then A lot of the maori died from these diseases around 4,000 a year! 

The Europeans cut down most of the forests in the 1800s, by the end of the 1800s 3 quarters of the forest was cut down and were used for farmland and houses. The forest was cut down from 85% down to 53%.

In conclusion, where New Zealand is now we're doing great! But the maori suffered too much to get to the stage of peace and happiness. They deserve to be treated better. 

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

My Inquiry Ako Plan


A Long Time Ago


In a 100 million years...

simply I couldn't put my mind on it digital people living in the middle of space, asteroids. "Just how the human brain is so complicated?" Is this time machine fake just look at the stadium. whos gonna watch rugby. A robot thinks that the world will end in 2041 and the local zone how will we get passed that like the universe is expanding. Even if we wanted to, are we going to abandon the world we live in?

would we do such a thing...?

maybe when the sun turns into a red giant, it would swallow the inner plants. The earth would boil up and we would die probably. Or when we want to start more deeper space exploration but we would still live on earth wouldn't we?

Tuesday, June 8, 2021

The Old Railroad (Long write)


"Cho Choo" went the train I stared out the window, lush green trees waved in the wind. It was very hard to see through the eerie grey fog, tall green grass and annoying weeds covered the brown dirt. I looked back at the spongy lime forest moss covering the rickety railway track. every time the pitch black train wobbled I jumped thinking it would crash and fall. 

I didn't know why I decided I would go on this great adventure, I didn't even know were I was going.  I had looked up and saw the message on my phone "you won a free trip to Disney land" I don't think this is Disney land but, I'm happy my friends came though Jessica, Sophie and Ellie came. I blew at the foggy window and wiped my fingers on the window the train was heading deeper into the forest.

I looked out the front of the train I noticed there were to separate ways, I shivered one end went to a stop the railway road went up towards the trees the other went deeper into the forest. the train turned we were not going towards the stop the fog grew thicker it felt more eerie the trees were taller larger darker. The wind whistled and the sound of thunder filled my ears the sound of stormy heavy rain. It poured with clear rain drops and lighting flashed and crashed. I could barely see the trees. The train bumped and bounced I hear Sophie shouted "ARE WE EVEN ON THE RAILWAY" nobody answered. Then in a deep voice, "no." Then with a flash of light the fog faded and the sun shined brightly in the sky. I looked back at the railway we were on it. brightly coloured flowers filled the plains. But were we safe still...?