
Thursday, December 10, 2020

Solar System (Sun)


I have researched about the sun for maybe a week now this is some information that I have found out for you to see.

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Snow-maned In (Slow Write)


"Yawn" I open my front door this morning to see... Miles of just white cold snowmen they seemed to be holding colourful writing on paper them not in English but Japanese. they had vegetables for noses, mouths, eyes, maybe even eyebrows. I poked one "interesting who made these AND HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO CLEAN THIS UP!" 

The bright golden sun shined down on me... "maybe the sun could melt the snow?" clouds fled over in-front to the sun "darn'it" small white snowflakes started to flutter down landing softly on the snowmen. "this is torture even mother nature won't help me" I slammed the door shut. my door mat brushed me feet as I walked into the kitchen. "I have an idea" I grabbed the kettle pour water from the sink into it "flick" I flicked the switch 1 minute later... Tick the gurgled I grabbed the kettle open the door poured it out onto the snowmen and it FROZE "WHY... I GIVE UP" I belly flopped onto the snowmen and THEN THE SUN CAME OUT AGAIN!

I wanted to play in the snow with THE SNOWMEN

Thursday, December 3, 2020

A&P Show Cactus Rocks & Stick Animals

 On December the 11th...

The A&P Show will happen!!!

My buddy is Izzy V 
Izzy is making Stick Animals 
im making Cactus Rocks.

Are store name is Stick's and Stone's
Yeah I bet half of the people reading this know the thing...
'Stick's and stone's may break my bones but words will never hurt me."

Im almost done with my Cactus Rocks but Izzy made... Give me a bit I gotta count.
"Izzy how many have you made again." "12" (Butt they take awhile) :3

Friday, November 27, 2020

Uno Part 1


as I walked through the hallways of my house the dark red carpet and chandlers brighten up as i walked down. "why do my parent have to by showoffs about being rich there mean to everyone" I said to myself. for once I was going to get away from my parents. I was having a sleepover with Stacy and Milly. They left me in charge of getting games "Creek" I turned the golden door knob the oak door opened. "drip drop drip drop" rain pattered down pink rose petals slowly fluttered down laying in the grass. "My purple woolly jersey, black shorts, and my black hair are gonna get so wet" I muttered crossly. raindrops splashed as they hit the concrete I looked back at the brick mansion. the deck of cards that I bought to play with my friends scattered into the shape of a circle on the wet concrete a dark black hole formed. Leaves, raindrops, and other thing's moved towards it. A planet formed in the middle "crack" a stick broke not from the portal though. I looked behind me to see... a strange girl planets spun around her she had purple her and skin with a galaxy looking dress "Hi your solar system is dying I have chosen to save you and 14 others you will find them on the planet" the girl said. She walked closer and with a shove she pushed me off my feet and into the portal. 

Galaxy Girl - Blaze1213IsBack चित्र (42968809) - फैन्पॉप


"ow" I said opening my eyes I looked up to see dark oak trees with pastel blue leaves and dark purple grass. I standed up it was morning "this is a dream right I said to myself. I looked down at myself my skin sparkled "my back feels weird" I muttered. I noticed a sigh saying Athena "Athena" I thought so that the planets name "Hiss" a pastel purple cat with a astronaut helmet on Leaped out of a bush at me. I caught her was she trying to scratch me I thought curious. The sky started Turning grey clouds covered the sky. "Drip drop drip" the cats eyes turned a dark blue wait they were a golden yellow before. Is the cat making the rain? Crash a tree fell as thundering lighting hit it "meow" the cat meowed. "we need to take cover" I said loudly over the wind. I turned my back to look for shelter and black feathery wings stuck out of my back "wait I have WINGS" I yelled shocked.  wait why does the cat have a planet spinning around it that looks like Saturn but pastel purple with a dark bluish purple ring .  The planet grew bigger and bigger until it was the size of a choppa/helicopter the planet flied into the air. wait the water dripped off the planet its like a umbrella "why does it have to rain" a strange voice said. "wait that sounds like Stacy?" I said to myself a brown haired girl with dark blue eyes wearing a dark blue jersey and grey jeans. walked out of the bushes "STACY WHY ARE YOU HERE" I said eyes wide open I blinked "well that's Stacy" I said in shock. "Lunar" said Stacy "why the hell are you here- is that a purple kitten ITS SO CUTE" said Stacy. The kitten hissed as Stacy ran over to it. It dashed over and hid behind me "I don't think it likes you" I Shouted I had forgotten about the storm. The bushes around me and Stacy shook a white hair girl with black and white eyes wearing white fussy jersey and white shorts "who are you and why are you here" she said. she pulled out a two darts and through them at us the dart hit me in the chest "why do I feel so sleepy" I said yawing my eyes shut everything went black I woke up to what look like the cat attacking the girl "Saturn STOP" I said loudly the storm had passed Saturn stopped walk over to me and that's when I realized "why am I tied UP" I shouted at the girl "my apologies thought you were a threat but thank you I didn't know that your pet was an elemental" She said "elemental what's that? and why do I have wings?" To be continued

Monday, November 23, 2020

DFI Blog Comment's Biteable

 For DFI we had to make a Biteable/animation
 about commenting and then screencastify it

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Creating 3D shapes

 Creating 3D shapes

I created a Hexahedron for maths out of toothpicks and blutack.
They have 5 vertices, 9 edges and 6 faces 
how I made it first I made a triangle. Then I made two pyramids and stuck them to the triangle with blutack.

Thursday, November 5, 2020

Friday, October 30, 2020

axolotl song


Cats Who Needs Them- Persuasive Texts

I Think We Should Keep Cats
1) I have three cats.
2) half of the cat population doesn't hunt.
3)Most people have cats as pets.

The Fight to vote


for literacy we had to try and convince people to vote these are some of the reasons we you should vote

Living Shadow's

 Living Shadows

it was quiet "Why is it so misty" said Misty "well that's ironic your name is Misty" I said annoyed "Let's just find this stupid haunted mansion" she said in return. black dark pebbles where scattered on the road dead looking trees made an arch down the road. Misty pulled my shirt pulling me back "HEY WHAT WAS THAT FOR MISTY" I shouted then I spotted the strange shadow that stood there in the mist. "oh" I said starting to worry "I don't think where alone" Misty whispered in my ear the shadow came more clear. just two red eyes we checked around... more red eyes "grrrr" "WOLVES" Misty screamed yep she was right 5 wolves jumped of the bushes and chased us. "how are we gonna escape" I said rushed as we sprinted "the mansion" Misty said "oh no" I thought... "hehe" a magic broomstick landed next to us "high-jack it quick" Misty said "wait where robbers now? I said in return grabbing the broomstick. "okay let's high-jack it" I said hopping on the broomstick. get on i grab Misty's hand and pulled her on "BARK BARK WOLF" the wolves barked "thank goodness um but how do we control this" I said "you are a witch" Misty said... "FINE i'll try" I muttered we lifted into the clouds the clouds where grey but we spotted a small witch hut on a floating island it was abandoned it actual said that on the sigh. dark black grass spruce wood walls a little staircase that led to the entrance we looked back at the cloud's what stood there was horrifying... The Shadow was back... with a knife... "Misty i think the Shadow's after us" I said horrified "then let's head back" she said scared  i quickly ran to the broom stick a hopped on the Shadow appeared closer... Misty hopped on to and flied into the air. I looked back at the Shadow and in a flash it was gone "it's definitely after us and i don't think it's going to stop until it kill's us" I said horrified

Thursday, October 29, 2020

The Feathery Hunter (With Willow, Check out her blog for the lions POV)


Darkness start to fall as the moon rises hmm... Maybe i should head to the desert sandy hills and giant rocks simple I just need to fly across so i lifted my wings and flapped i lifted into the air and flied into the dissent. I landed on one of the rocks a small village or a big village with small house where strangely surrounding a crater.

on a rock near me I spotted a lion? I think it was is a few mega cheetah guards where there in a second one fell to the ground i turn to the lion a bow was in its paws i think it wants to RULE OVER THE WORLD!! I need to stop it right that's the good the thing to but im a owl. Oh wait this is a human animal world can't I transform into a owl girl, poof my brown hair brushed, the winded well I still have wings right?

I walked down a black sword with a moon symbol on it was laying on the ground, I should attack the lion before its to late i start to run after the lion hes faster then me but not faster then me when im flying. I lift into the air  landed behind the lion and grabbed him and pushed him to the ground he shouted "LET ME GO" and screamed again "gosh this is annoying" I punched him and he tried to shoot me with a arrow i backed away quickly i think hes knocked out now.

 What do I do? maybe I- oh I know I should tie him up to a wall and take his weapons a he only has a bow well that's mine now. I pulled out some ropes and tied him to a wall I had placed his weapon in a small dark purple bag now I wait for him to wake up a few minutes later he started to wake up, "Why were you trying to rule over the world" I said disappointed. "I was doing it for my mum and dad they died from mega cheetahs they used to live in crack town" he said sadly "well not a good enough reason to try and take over the world you crazy person" I yelled i pulled out me sword and holded close to his neck "I- I... YOUR RIGHT" he says and he started to sob "your a big baby aren't ya?" i muttered as i untied the ropes.

 "if you do that again your DEAD" I said letting him go "wait whats your name? I said "Umm...I don't have one my mum and dad got killed before they could name me..." he said awkwardly "well then ya names Dewei got it, I guess I should tell you mine I'm Moon-Glow" (only the terraria people will understand) I said "Haha thanks for the name Moon-Glow, Ya know you would make a good police, Now I should get going! You wanna come??" Said Dewei "No thanks, got to look after my egg's" i said proudly "Yep sounds go- YOU HAVE EGGS!? WHO'S THE FATHER? he said "A owl" I said back at him and left. 

Friday, October 23, 2020

The Shopping Trip

The Shopping Trip

tall palm trees stretched to the next floor blue purplish light tangled the trees. the sound of chitter chatter filled my ears. blue and white firework looking lights hanged from the ceiling. i could see from the first floor that a McDonald's was on the 5th floor! clean shiny white walls and smooth concrete floors with black x's on it. relaxing cream coloured cushioning seats and Bright green potted plants.bright colourful lights with store logos on them. i spotted a women with a light brown coat with black buttons. walking into the daire's shop. busy people bumped into each other. i heared the sound of the cash register ch-ching. i realized there's one problem at this mall WHERE'S THE BATHROOM'S. i saw furniture store's, food store's, clothing store's, and even makeup stores. but not BATHROOM'S i could smell salty chips and cheesy burgers from the McDonald's store. i could see faint people in the distant. cold air brushed my face as i entered the McDonald's store. i could see big burgers stacked with lettuce, tomato, cheese, and beef paddies. marble tables with tiny bits of food some even with drinks spilled on them. workers chatted with customers as they take there orders. ch-ching a cash register went. there were a lot of lights on the ceiling.

What I Have Learnt About Fractions

 What I Have Learnt About Fractions This Term.

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Monday, October 12, 2020

Orana Park

When we arrived at Orana Park we saw that a lot of people were there waiting as well. We waited and finally it was our turn we entered and asked about the children's university sheet. They gave us one of the sheets and we carried on with a trip. First we checked out the... Meerkats they walked around and stared at us one was standing on a big branch its like it was the king! We had to ask a zookeeper a question. (for childern's university) what do meerkats use to keep sand away from there eyes? then we moved onto emos i thought they were cute but wills didn't want us to stay there to long. We went to the tigers but sadly they got put down because they were sick and were going to die from the sickness anyway. :(
So we carried on...


Blue and sliver metallic metal plane wings stretching out the metal reflected in blues and slivers a black line kept the colour's from mixing on the plane. Jets sped up keeping the plane in the air the wind whirled as the plane floated. Two young boys cheekily had escape onto a plane wing. The sky was clear but that was because they were above the clouds. Pointing down at the clouds an opening had appeared and a small speck they spotted was there house. They didn't look scared of heights.

"Look at that cloud Jake it looks like an dog eek" screamed the brown haired kid. A noise was coming from inside the plane... They checked curiously as waiter was walking down the inside of the plane. Giving out candy's! The kid grabbed an axe and smashed the window jumped in and stole the candy's. 

Tuesday, September 22, 2020



patter patter splash patter patter splash. the grey sky thundered lighting striking only one single house? "Why tho" the rain pattered down on the house the wind rustled the cur-tings "everything is black and grey these days" a friend said looking out the window.

 the house moved shuffling and lifted. a voice screamed from the house a girl screamed again. roots appeared as the house lifted higher. the girl had climbed to the top of the house. and pulled out a umbrella. the umbrella lifted into the air the girl carried with her. 

I heared a voice "WAKE UP ANNIE" I woke up terrifed. wait a second i was the girl with the umbrella!? my older sister anna shouted at me "were gonna be late for school!"

Monday, September 21, 2020

DFI comments

We checked comments for DFI.
My buddy was willow we had to talk to each other with comments.
We started by checking if the comments where good comments and spelt correctly.
Some of them aren't correct and we talked about what we should do to fix them.

Thursday, September 17, 2020



slime rancher

Slime rancher!
Learn about slime rancher
chapter 1
links slimepedia
25/2/2019 continued on 20/5/2019 continued on 10/3/2020 continued
 on 25/4/2020 continued on 3/8/2020 continued 8/7/2021
One day Beatrix started her first day of Slime Rancher. location far far range
dried reef
she ran into the brand new world ready to explore um how do i use this
suck gun hmm what does this do oh that sucks things Beatrix said
tumbling onto the ground ouch what does this button do getting back up
oh push all the Pogo fruit away let me suck the Pogo fruit up wait a sec
whats that thing its alive oh how dumb am I its a pink slime.
I should catch it and feed it let me suck you up now I should put it in a corral
Slime pedia
Tabby slime →Image result for slime rancher tabby slime rock slime →Image result for rock slimepink slime→Image result for pink slime

Tabby slime very playful it mite bop you on the nose it’s like your very own
kitty produces tabby plorts common
Rock slime be careful this slime like to roll around don’t touch you might
get hurt produces rock plorts common
Pink slime just a boring old slime very common produces pink plorts
It's getting late maybe I should to bed actual nah I heard theirs and glowing
slime call a phosphor slime but it's my first day I don't have enough money to
buy the upgrade for them mite as well got to sleep
The next day 
The dark room started shining as the bright golden sun came out 
Beatrix hopped outta bed and rush outside for another day of work                            
Hmm I have done some research I heard there's a thing called an gordo its
says you can pop it by feeding it its ten slimes combined I should save up out
the I go hmm what through the hole dammit I forgot to get the jet pack
upgrades i'll just buy them now click um this one yep now I have the flying
upgrade yay im flying down I go yeah I stuck the landing is that it it looks
incredible I can see it the huge pink gordo Beatrix speeded off rushing
onto a wobble bridge almost falling into the deep sea when she had arrived
she holded the button firing all the Pogo fruit and carrots into the glossy
pink gordos mouth after feeding the gordo all of the Delicious food I looked
like it was gonna puke BOOM!! The pink gordo exploded into 10 pink slimes
wait what's that is it a key
Chapter 2 indigo quarry
location indigo quarry far far range
She walk closer and closer to the key she walked and decided to pick it 
Oh, it's a slime key? Well my friend told me through the dark cave you
can unlock something
 phosphor slime →Image result for slime rancher pink phosphor largo pink phosphor largo | Tumblr
Beatrix rushed as fast as she could when she arrived at the cave she peek
in there were three pink phosphors there largos They look very angry
maybe I should be careful Beatrix walked up to the slimes
and put her hand out ouch that hurt that slime bit me she ran through the
cave then she saw a gate in the middle was a key hole hmm I wonder if that
key I found before will work she pull the key out of her pocket and turn the
key suddenly the sound of rocks tumbling hit her ear and the gate opened
BOOM! CRASH BANG volcano like slime were exploding hmm let me check
my slime pedia oh its a boom slime There's also this one it's called a rad slime?
she ran of the cliff thinks it was a hill ow
Beatrix standed up and shielded her eyes from the bright explosions
happening around her ow she said falling to the ground from a near explosion
theres a cave I should take shelter there the blueish grey cave entrance
shimmered with tiny indigo bits I should enter the before the slimes hurt
me again "wow! "Beatrix whispered wow wow it echoed what's the blue
thing around the corner a can see a bit of it its a rock gordo what in the world
I should carry on an other tunnel was there minty grass surrounding it creck
it echoed as she entered the cave outside was slimes bouncing leaping
crashing yepe they sang happliy

Boom slime→Image result for slime rancher Rad slime →Image result for slime rancher
boom slimes can explode they also eat meat not feral
rad slimes these slimes have a area of radiation around them it can posion you if your in there for to long diet is vegetables
Beatrix walked out onto the stony ground whats that in the pond a light blue
slime splashed around floating on the water surface
let me check my slimepedia
Puddle slime →Image result for slime rancher 
I need to catch some is that another cave really umm I guess i’ll just
go in? navy blueish slimes bounced crystal like spikes stucked to its body
apprently its a its a crystal slime
crystal slime → Slime Rancher crystal slime location - YouTube
crystal slimes can summon crystal on the ground that can
hurt you also rolls a lot so look out.
I'm gonna capture them all actual no I can’t
I only have 20 places in a section so I guess I will get
10 I don't want to die well get knock out Do I even have enough
corrals probably ill just take them back and buy some more great I forgot the
way back I should turn on my flashlight I think i'm suppose I to go up here
I see light the sound of bouncing slime echoed through the cave she jump down
from a small cliff sticking the landing theirs a pond Beatrix walked over to
the pond bright blue water and rocks surround the bright pond two bright
blue slimes where floating in the water new slimes Beatrix pulled out the suck
gun and holded down the button pulling the slimes into the gun NUU the
slimes faces looked surprised the sun had faded away and the moon was rising
Beatrix dashed back through the tunnel she heared the sound of slimes
screaming Beatrix poked her head out of the stony tunnel dried reef
slimes eyes where wide and mouths open screaming. black larger slimes
with rainbow eyes and mouths with hands stretching out of there mouths
destroying the slimes they bubbled and more would come out of theirs
mouths TARR!!! Beatrix dashed out of the tunnel dashing towards the archway
of sandy stone that lead to a different part of the dried reef a tarr leaped
towards Beatrix landing right in front of her in a leap of panic she grip the tarr
with the suck gun it didn't go in it stuck to the out side dashed to the edge
were the slime sea was she blasted the tarr into the sea as she did she the
force pushed her backwards she dashed back out through the archway straight
into a peaceful area pink slimes bounced around splatting on the ground pink goo
stuck there in a puddle better go before the tarrs come she thought she raced
through the big big archway right to the safety of her ranch the pink
she walk up to a button next to one of the plots it glow green on a stand she
pushed it a menu of things to by pop up out of nowhere right in her face i
I need a corral she touched the screen where it said corral and had a picture
of one in a second one appeared with a shock she tumble onto the ground ouch
she said sitting up let me check my slime pedia to make sure there safe here
puddles have to be in ponds and the others should be fine she pushed the
button boom slimes rushed out straight into the corral Beatrix switched again
rock slime bursted into the corral next was tabby's she switched again tabby's
launched out land with the other slimes she had removed the booms because she grabbed the puddles she she just did the rads they launched into the corral green radiation covered the corral okay maybe a different corral Beatrix taped 
once on her watch balance is 200$ "um maybe I should grab some carrots
and Pogo fruit wait I have two corrals maybe I could make them largos
why didn't I think of that earlier hmm lets see pink tabby's and rad crystals 
and no rocks yet that should do nicely" Beatrix walked over to the bouncing Tabby Pinks largos Beatrix touched the barrier of the corral she pressed her hand in 
wow it worked welp um im gonna just pull out my carrots... to 
chapter 3 thmossblanket
the slimes jumped and leaped towards Beatrix a Pink Tabby snatched the carrot gobbled it up and two plorts tubbled out of it on was a grey crystal with darker grey strips that tabbys had "that must be a tabby plort and a pink plort" the slime bounced happliy and boped Beatrix on the nose i think I will call you sparky you cute slime Beatrix squished the sparky cheeks and feed the rest of the slimes I wonder if I could leash sparky Beatrix pulled out a cream coloured leash and tided it to sparky Beatrix sucked sparky up to the suck gun and walk out of the corral "meow" sparky meeped and boped Beatrix on the nose again sparky and Beatrix walked around the Ranch "meep" sparky sang okay your going back in the corral "meep" sparky meeped again Beatrix sucked sparky up
to the suck gun again and walked through dropped sparky and walked out 
I need to do research about indigo quarry gordos.

To be continued...


Started: 8/7/2021 continued on 9/7/2021 continued on 4/8/2021 continued on 27/8/21 continued on 13/9/2021 continued on 22/9/2021 ended: ???
Goal: complete by the end of the year.
Links: the completed slimepedia (the old version from 2019) and Slime rancher (the first story I made of it)
Slime rancher: slime rancher is a game I enjoy playing.
Slime rancher 2: A sequel of the game coming out in 2022.
Author: Olivia T
Writing Editor: Izzy V
Kōun'na SlimRancher 2.00...

Area: Ranch 
Description: Similar to the dry reef but there 8 building lots that you can access. the Ranch has many expansions although only the main area of the Ranch is accessible. The Ranch if manly flat no slimes in sight expect for the ones that snuck over there. close to the small house Beatrix lives in theirs the plort market which you deposit plorts into. The house is on a small cliff which the plort market, house and 2 of the building sites are located on.

I woke up from what feels like endless slumber it has been a year... Now one thousand light-years away from Casey I miss her. A new world to explore, welcome to the far far range, Beatrix Lebeau...
The adventure begins... 

"Huh, I've arrived" I slowly opened the metal door  "pink blobs...? WITH FACES?" I slammed the door shut "nope nope nopedee NOPE!" 

*Star-mail received from Casey* 

"um, notification? CASEY? WATCH?" "I'm not dealing with this shenanigans right now." I slowly opened the door again walking onto the crooked wooden stairs I remember now isn't this Hobson's old ranch, I don't know him really, just heard of him. The pink blobs are still there and I grab this gun thing that's supposed to vac them up? "I really don't know anymore". 

*Star-mail received from 7zee*

"huh" isn't that the people that brought me here? let's check this letter/star-mail.

"Dear Beatrix... 
well we wanted to deliver this gift for you but problem the plane carrying it has crashed and the secret styles have scattered across the far far range. please find all secret styles and have fun! Good luck. from 7zee"

Secret styles? "They're giving me presents already thats nice." 
now back to the was it "pinky blobs, no uh pinky slimes? No maybe terrifying pink monsters with demonic smiley faces? No oh pink slimes I remember now!" I opened the metallic door again and stepped out onto the new world "Casey will have to wait." The porch creaked as I stepped out to collect slimes. "Hmm what does this do?" I pressed the button the vac gun started to vacuum up everything around it collecting some slimes. Maybe not, I got scared and I stumbled back and fell onto the dusty dirt below. "Oh come ON! not even a tutorial. "beep beep" a noise came from my watch, "huh" would you like to take a tutorial." "Yes PLEASE, Gee get some peace around here. 

58 Minutes later of struggle

"Im a pro rancher now." I breathed heavily for a moment, as I caught my breath. "Now back to these slime things," a whirlwind of dust and slime appeared as I pressed the vac button "okay the vac pack has 5 pink slimes in it."


"Slimepedia huh. Lets check this thing out but first whats the time?"

Time: 10.48

"10.48!!?" "Well I better get a move on."

Slimepedia entry: pink slime 

Chapter 1. Slimey Discoveries
Area: Dry Reef

The tree leaves looked like pink sponges, the ground was dusty. Sponge-like pink bushes around every corner and dusty sandstone walls the dry reef looked like a canyon. 

Day 2

Sooooo I may or may not have jump into the slime sea... I am awake again so yeah back to ranching... 

Thoughts: I need to get a journal oh maybe I should send star-mail to Casey soon.

I wandered around collect carrots and Pogo fruit? whatever that is maybe what I should do is check the slimepedia entry. Is that the sea here...?

24 hours later

Huh? Im back the ranch what happened oh- yeah... That happened, never mind lets check that notification again.

!Error! Slimepedia entry Pogo fruit is not found!
!Error! Slimepedia entry carrot is not found!

Maybe later I think my watch got damaged from the lets say 'leap of faith to the slime sea' as I wandered about collect blue blobs with rocks on there head maybe more of a blue slime? no pebble blue slime? No maybe Rock slime? "I should have looked for books or something about this place." On right I need to vac up the blue rock pebble slime thing.

2 seconds later

!Error! Slimepedia entry rock slime not found.

Seriously again? well at least I know the name now... "huh? what's that?" I said staring at the grey slimy ear poking out from behind the orange sandstone rock. It looked strange but everything in this new world seems to be strange "what did I expect a vacation?" 

In the time span of 0.23 seconds the gray ear turned into a gray blob with darker gray stripes and cute little cat ears and tail, it was a tabby slime! The tabby leaped towards Beatrix...

"HOLY MACARONI & CHEESE, ITS COMING TOWARDS ME." I stumbled back falling over on the dusty ground. Pilling on top of Beatrix was not one not two but THREE! Tabby slimes, I slowly pulled away for the pile of bouncing tabbies. 


Here is a demonstration of what i have learnt about fractions this year 

Monday, September 14, 2020

DFI Blog Comments

DFI Blog Comments

For DFI we created a Comic about making good blog comments. about writing quality blog comments. We had no plan to start with. It was hard because I had to start over every time because it wont save. I liked making the Comic because i could use my imagination and creativeness. Make sure you write good blog comments. It was a lot of fun i hope you enjoy reading my Comic. (:


Thursday, September 3, 2020

My Garden Challenge :3

My Garden Challenge

im making my scarecrow in the holidays
I Am Doing:
1) researching how the water travels through a plant and dying plants.
2) building a scarecrow to protect the garden.

Why I Am Doing This:
1) last year i did a experiment also i wanted to know how it travels so i know how much water you should give a plant.
2) i wanted to build a scarecrow because one i haven't built one before. two because i want to protect the garden. three because it will be fun designing it.

Who Im Working With
im working with Lily R we are going 
to do making a scarecrow and dying plants together.
i want to work her because then i can support her and help her.

How Scarecrows Work
they protected the garden from bad birds and crows.
they look cool in the garden keep your plants safe.

How Dying Plants Work
basically water travels through the plants veins all through the plant.
if dye went through a plant it would travel through the veins. since it goes through the plant it would dye the plant causing it to change color. beware of pollution in the plant.

 Materials for Scarecrow  

  • Plastic ball (lily) done

  • 4 Strong Wooden sticks  (18cm long and 4cm thick) (lily)

  • Straw hat (lily)

  •  air dry clay (lily)

  • Waterproof paint /house paint (lily)

Materials for Dying Plants

  • Dye  (colours pink blue red green black purple) 


  • Real flowers (5) (lily) (white)      

  •  5 Big cups (lily)

picture of me :3

this is my plan of the scarecrow
the head will be made of a plastic ball and painted with light yellow paint we will use clay to create the 
eyes, cat ears, paws, and tail, the eyes will be painted with white and black paint the ears will painted light yellow with pink insides the paws will also be painted with light yellow with a paw print pattern in pink we will use a pink shirt for the chest we will paint the tail light yellow too we will use a strong wooden stick for the post which holds it up

what we are doing for inquriy in the hoildays
we are going to build the scarecrow in the hoildays and do the expriment on the flowers
1) we are going to the flowers in the school hoildays because its easier to get the flowers
2) we are going to make the scarecrow in the hoildays because we won't be as rushed and we can easily can get the materials 

Monday, August 24, 2020

turtles MMU

how to make turtles

To Make The Green Turtles You Will Need:
1) 4 Small dark green pom poms
2) 1 Big green pom pom
3) 1 Medium green pom pom
4) Two big google eyes
5) Hot glue gun
first you hot glue the medium pom pom to the big pom pom
then you glue the small pom poms on each side of the big pom pon
then you glue the google eyes to the side of the medium pom pom \

to make winter turtles you will need
1) 4 Small light blue pom poms
2) 1 Big white pom pom
3) 1 Medium white pom pom
4) Two big google eyes
5) Hot glue gun
first you hot glue the medium pom pom to the big pom pom
then you glue the small pom poms on each side of the big pom pom
then you glue the google eyes to the side of the big pom pom