
Thursday, October 29, 2020

The Feathery Hunter (With Willow, Check out her blog for the lions POV)


Darkness start to fall as the moon rises hmm... Maybe i should head to the desert sandy hills and giant rocks simple I just need to fly across so i lifted my wings and flapped i lifted into the air and flied into the dissent. I landed on one of the rocks a small village or a big village with small house where strangely surrounding a crater.

on a rock near me I spotted a lion? I think it was is a few mega cheetah guards where there in a second one fell to the ground i turn to the lion a bow was in its paws i think it wants to RULE OVER THE WORLD!! I need to stop it right that's the good the thing to but im a owl. Oh wait this is a human animal world can't I transform into a owl girl, poof my brown hair brushed, the winded well I still have wings right?

I walked down a black sword with a moon symbol on it was laying on the ground, I should attack the lion before its to late i start to run after the lion hes faster then me but not faster then me when im flying. I lift into the air  landed behind the lion and grabbed him and pushed him to the ground he shouted "LET ME GO" and screamed again "gosh this is annoying" I punched him and he tried to shoot me with a arrow i backed away quickly i think hes knocked out now.

 What do I do? maybe I- oh I know I should tie him up to a wall and take his weapons a he only has a bow well that's mine now. I pulled out some ropes and tied him to a wall I had placed his weapon in a small dark purple bag now I wait for him to wake up a few minutes later he started to wake up, "Why were you trying to rule over the world" I said disappointed. "I was doing it for my mum and dad they died from mega cheetahs they used to live in crack town" he said sadly "well not a good enough reason to try and take over the world you crazy person" I yelled i pulled out me sword and holded close to his neck "I- I... YOUR RIGHT" he says and he started to sob "your a big baby aren't ya?" i muttered as i untied the ropes.

 "if you do that again your DEAD" I said letting him go "wait whats your name? I said "Umm...I don't have one my mum and dad got killed before they could name me..." he said awkwardly "well then ya names Dewei got it, I guess I should tell you mine I'm Moon-Glow" (only the terraria people will understand) I said "Haha thanks for the name Moon-Glow, Ya know you would make a good police, Now I should get going! You wanna come??" Said Dewei "No thanks, got to look after my egg's" i said proudly "Yep sounds go- YOU HAVE EGGS!? WHO'S THE FATHER? he said "A owl" I said back at him and left. 

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