
Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Snow-maned In (Slow Write)


"Yawn" I open my front door this morning to see... Miles of just white cold snowmen they seemed to be holding colourful writing on paper them not in English but Japanese. they had vegetables for noses, mouths, eyes, maybe even eyebrows. I poked one "interesting who made these AND HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO CLEAN THIS UP!" 

The bright golden sun shined down on me... "maybe the sun could melt the snow?" clouds fled over in-front to the sun "darn'it" small white snowflakes started to flutter down landing softly on the snowmen. "this is torture even mother nature won't help me" I slammed the door shut. my door mat brushed me feet as I walked into the kitchen. "I have an idea" I grabbed the kettle pour water from the sink into it "flick" I flicked the switch 1 minute later... Tick the gurgled I grabbed the kettle open the door poured it out onto the snowmen and it FROZE "WHY... I GIVE UP" I belly flopped onto the snowmen and THEN THE SUN CAME OUT AGAIN!

I wanted to play in the snow with THE SNOWMEN

1 comment:

  1. Hi Olivia,
    I like your story.
    This reminds me of when I went to Garfield and there was so much snow and my foot got stuck in the gumboot because it was full of snow and my foot was PURPLE when we got it out.
    Maybe next time you should do less full caps.


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