
Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Blending In || Quick Write 2021 term 4

Blending In...
As they dashed off, a glimmer of stripes could been seen in the crowd. The chase had begun... As they bolted across the stormy savanna. loud blood screeching neighs could be heared throughout the gallops of the other horses. The question was what is the predator? My stripes were easy to spot what if I got caught, was I the main prey? There's a glimmer in the sky a rainbow was there. Although that didn't help in this situation. I was slowing down exhausted from galloping for so long but if I stopped I was dead meat...

The sound of striking lighting echoed but then the herd split into two. There was another neigh as a horse dropped dead. I galloped the left path away from the screeching neighs. It led to a dark forest with tall oak trees waving in the strong wind. There was a slam as a medium sized tree hit the ground. As the herd arrived at the forest some stopped although I didn't I quickened and disappeared into the shadows of the forest...

The sound of horses slowed before disappearing I slowed to a trot. There was cactus green shrubs and long curvy vines. I that I could here now was the thunder and pattering of the rain...

To be continued...

Monday, November 29, 2021

Cat Carriage

 ArtStation - Neytirix . 

The Trailer had many different things bags, rugs anything you could imagine. I fiery lantern hanged from the tip probably used for guiding the cat's way in the dark. The grey cat had a white under belly and many different accessories from gold bands to a strange looking hat, and a bow tie ofcourse. Thats all I could see from looking up at the large cat. Around 5 times the size of me.

Wednesday, November 24, 2021


I like to bake. The other day I made cupcakes! Chocolate to be exact, I never put the cupcakes or whatever im baking in the oven though I don't like the idea of putting my hands in something. That with one movement could touch the burning hot side of the oven. Its not fun to have a burn thats why I avoid getting one. I normally get my mum to! Me and my mum love baking its why we do it. Its also why I don't get hungry as often because I'll snack on some cupcakes or slice. Homemade is the best!

Monday, November 22, 2021

Music MMU

I tried to create viva happy in music lab lets say it didn't turn out well. I tried im not good at making songs into tunes.

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Squiggly Power Pylon

The suns shimmering rays bolted across the plains like a flowing river. The lush green grass wavering in the wind. The trees where as tall as elephants, and the golden sun aroused. The light blue sky and the clouds like white candyfloss. 

In the distance you could see the other power pylons comrades. It was so hot that the pylons looked squiggly. You can feel the electricity in the air how many volts was this? The pylon was large around half the size of Eiffel tower. 

Thursday, November 4, 2021

A long time ago...

"Huh? Who are you?" I said to the strange woman next to me as I laid in the hospital bed. "Its me your mother don't you remember me?" I sat there "my mum? Sorry but I don't remember you..." There was silence for a moment before my supposed mother exited. I waited alone wondering where I was is it possible was I in a coma...? Two doctors entered the room asking me strange questions like what was my name, favourite colour all sorts.

Then they broke the news to me I had gotten in a car crash and my parents had died as well as my sister. If that was the truth who was that woman...I was 16 and adopted into a new home what would me new life be like. Well they treated me nicely but now as a wife theirs one strange thing I remember. I was walking with my adoptive parents and I saw that same strange woman, the one I saw in the hospital. I walked up to her and asked "who are you?" then I noticed there was a man and a teenager around the same aga as me... At that moment it hit me. My parents had put me up for adoption but for what reason? After that moment they quickly bolted from me. That was a long time ago now...

Monday, November 1, 2021

Japanese Learning

Konnichiwa! I have been interested in japan for a long time and have been learning about it at home. I also 
learnt some basic words in Japanese I will be showing some of them in this post.

Normally to greet somebody or say 'hello' but in Japanese language you would say:
"Konnichiwa" meaning 'hello' and afterwards you could say "O genki desu ka?" meaning 'how are you?'

If you wanted to say goodbye after having a nice conversation you can say "Sayonara!" meaning 'bye' or 'goodbye'.

Now you might be wondering, how do I introduce myself to somebody? you say:
"Watashi wa (your name) desu" 

So in total you would say "Konnichiwa watashi wa (your name) desu, o genki desu ka?" A few minutes pass and "sayonara."

Otherwise thats all I know so far other then 'arigato' (thank you) and a few numbers. Wish me luck on my journey!