
Tuesday, May 18, 2021

The First Polynesians to settle in New Zealand

The first Polynesians can using stars they were trained from birth them came from Hawaiki, East Polynesia and Etc. They came in several waves of waka (canoe) they in 1320 to 1350. The Polynesians came probably to explore and colonize New Zealand establishing a new home.

The Polynesians came in canoe (several waves of waka) but the Europeans came in boats and ships. They both came across the sea. Polynesians brought potato, carrots, cabbage, maize and animals to New Zealand the Europeans brought bigger better plants to New Zealand. They both bought plants to New Zealand. The Polynesians traveled using stars to get to New Zealand, Portuguese and Spanish traveled the Pacific Ocean only then was it found by Abel Tasman in 1642, the European and Polynesians both traveled the Pacific Ocean to get to New Zealand.

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