
Monday, May 3, 2021

Professor Plum

 Professor Plum hadn't been outside of his laboratory in days, he would be barley head outside of his room to ask his wife for a snack. He looked art the bubbling liquid inside of the glass potion bottle the pinky orange liquid gurgled as he flicked the glass. His eyes slowly shut, then flicked open again. 

"knock knock" "hello, Professor Plum this is Rachael hows the "thing" doing?" she asked turning the door knob she entered staring at the room. Dusty book's covered the Victorian table lying on the ground they laid open, polished marble pot's sat on the bookshelf and small greenish grey containers stood next to the glass potion bottles. test tubes were filled with multicoloured liquid, More potion bottles were connected by a glass tube. One was slightly smaller then the glass potion bottle, this one had clear liquid the over was long and empty tube. She glanced again and shut the door not even entering the room.

The only thing that kept Professor Plum awake was the excitement of finishing the "thing." His eyes grew wearier every minute will he gonna finish it in time? They were supposed to present this tomorrow. 

1 comment:

  1. Great describing Olivia and good use of paragraphs. Please take the time to go back and edit this, checking for meaning and punctuation.


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