
Friday, May 28, 2021

What I learnt from my trip to Ferrymead

 I learnt:

  • Children should be seen not heared
  • If you were sick you couldn't go to New Zealand because they didn't want anyone else getting sick
  • Ladies go first before gentleman
  • you had to take care of your shoes because they were expensive and handmade 
  • you used a two man cross cut to saw wood
  • there were colonists and steerage colonists paid for there trip to NZ and steerage had it paid for them
  • people made candles out if animal fat and wax
  • boys wore knickerbockers and caps 
  • girls had to wear white aprons, dresses and bonnets
  • they lived in v huts
  • the men had to clean the deck

Thursday, May 27, 2021

Bread & Butter Making In The 1850s

Bread & Butter Making In The 1850s

Today we made bread and butter and we made it the way you made it in the 1850s! (well not exactly) 

First we made the butter. We made the butter with the following ingredients and things double cream, a jar and table salt. First, we put the some of the double cream (around 1 cup) and salt into the jar. We twisted the lid onto the jar and shook it for 10-20 seconds as hard as we could (Urmi our Teacher didn't have the muscles). We passed it around until we made thick whipped cream. That made the cream turn thick and hard and we had to shake it for 10 seconds until we made butter and buttermilk. The butter had lots lumps in it and we didn't like that.  Then we had to separate the butter and buttermilk by squishing the butter in a sieve.  It was painful to shake the cream. How did people do this in the 1850s?

We made the bread with the following things... self raising flour, water, butter and salt. To make the bread we had to put 3 cups of self raising flour and salt into a bowl. Then, we had to cut the butter into cubes. We had to kinda knead the butter into the mixture until it was like the consistency breadcrumbs. Then, afterwards Urmi had to knead the dough and shape it into a thick circle and place it in a baking tray. Then she put it in the oven. Urmi made a big mess with the flour while making this, she even got it on Charlie's arm!

We got to eat the bread and butter. It tasted kinda like flour, honestly I didn't like it that much. The bread was really fun to make. I enjoyed it.

Butter ->

bread -> 

Wednesday, May 26, 2021


Arrakis (soundtrack) 

The base flashes red, I bolt through the onyx black walls... "Danger danger" goes the alarm "crash landing ahead" goes the alarm again, the sound of crashing and banging the ship tips "hello" says a man in a ominous voice I stutter sliding my pocket knife out of my pocket, I fling it across the room turning to the man "thud" goes the knife as it hits the wall. "I'm having some trouble at plant B southeast" I say as I click the record button on my walkie talkie. the sound of glasses smashing fills the hallways as I slid back. "who are you" I shout the man stood there still. "The man in all black" he says "YOU MURDERER" I scream. the ship tips again I slid back falling onto glass it cracks... the glass crack again. the sound of glass breaking fills my ears as I fall "NO" I scream as I fall lava geysers burst with flaming liquid lava, "NO! NEVER WILL I FAIL, I WILL COMPLETE MY MISSION"  I yelped drops of lava incinerating my body slowly "YOU WILL FAIL THIS WORLD WILL LIVE... IF IT MEANS KILLING YOU" I scream. the sound of a gunshot bursted me eardrums the man fell falling in the debruy of the ship "thank you. Ali" I say the lava consuming my body "goodbye."

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

The place we can forever call "home" (Interstellar)

The ship glided zipping past following planets "will I every make it" I whisper to myself I turned back the black void ever second it came closer, in this wide universe "why does it have to end" this void of space why were we created "theirs still so many questions, is their other life?" I said sliding my fingers down the spacecrafts windows. glowing stars lit up then slowly faded away, "this universe has been reset." but why, we so close to finding the secret behind the universe what happens if we cross the infinite border in front of us. the invisible door we can't find to explore new places, the universes we haven't unlocked. The place we can forever call "home." 

Is the filter in-front or behind?

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

The First Polynesians to settle in New Zealand

The first Polynesians can using stars they were trained from birth them came from Hawaiki, East Polynesia and Etc. They came in several waves of waka (canoe) they in 1320 to 1350. The Polynesians came probably to explore and colonize New Zealand establishing a new home.

The Polynesians came in canoe (several waves of waka) but the Europeans came in boats and ships. They both came across the sea. Polynesians brought potato, carrots, cabbage, maize and animals to New Zealand the Europeans brought bigger better plants to New Zealand. They both bought plants to New Zealand. The Polynesians traveled using stars to get to New Zealand, Portuguese and Spanish traveled the Pacific Ocean only then was it found by Abel Tasman in 1642, the European and Polynesians both traveled the Pacific Ocean to get to New Zealand.

Monday, May 17, 2021

Fanta The Fish! (Monday mashup)

 This is Fanta The fish :3

This is Fanta, Fanta is made of the following things.
• Egg carton 
• Tissue paper
• Pom-poms
• Pipe cleaners
• Paint (any colour you want)
• Scissors
• Hot glue gun (hot glue to)
• Imagination

How to make the Fanta fish.
1) cut the egg carton to look kinda like a turtle shell
2) paint the egg carton until one solid colour (this might take multiple coats) 
3) cut the tissue paper in half 
4) take one part of the tissue paper do multiple cuts (not all the way to the middle)
5) pinch the middle of the tissue paper then hot glue the pinched area of the tissue paper to the back
6) cut the other piece of tissue paper in half then do the same as step as step 5 hot glue them to each side 
7) hot glue smaller pom-poms to the bigger ones then stick the pom-poms onto the front
8) cut the pipe cleaner to around 5 cm twist it into a circle the glue onto the front and

Monday, May 10, 2021

Monday Mash up (Slithering Monsters)

 Today for Monday mashup up we made monsters, they were made out of card. I got this idea from izzy she originally made a snake, go check out her blog im sure hers is on there.  I really enjoyed making these.

Statistical Investigation

Today for maths we had to do a statistical investigation, about the school lunches we had multiple stages to get to the point of finishing the slideshow. First we started by creating a google form to gather information we had to create questions and send the form to people to answer, then once we got the answers we created a slideshow we investigated the answers and turned them into graph that way we could see what people liked and disliked. after we wrote a letter about what the people could change abot the school lunches and talked about our learning. my group consisted of Willow, Brooke, Lily, Hebe and me.

Monday, May 3, 2021

Professor Plum

 Professor Plum hadn't been outside of his laboratory in days, he would be barley head outside of his room to ask his wife for a snack. He looked art the bubbling liquid inside of the glass potion bottle the pinky orange liquid gurgled as he flicked the glass. His eyes slowly shut, then flicked open again. 

"knock knock" "hello, Professor Plum this is Rachael hows the "thing" doing?" she asked turning the door knob she entered staring at the room. Dusty book's covered the Victorian table lying on the ground they laid open, polished marble pot's sat on the bookshelf and small greenish grey containers stood next to the glass potion bottles. test tubes were filled with multicoloured liquid, More potion bottles were connected by a glass tube. One was slightly smaller then the glass potion bottle, this one had clear liquid the over was long and empty tube. She glanced again and shut the door not even entering the room.

The only thing that kept Professor Plum awake was the excitement of finishing the "thing." His eyes grew wearier every minute will he gonna finish it in time? They were supposed to present this tomorrow.