
Friday, October 30, 2020

axolotl song


Cats Who Needs Them- Persuasive Texts

I Think We Should Keep Cats
1) I have three cats.
2) half of the cat population doesn't hunt.
3)Most people have cats as pets.

The Fight to vote


for literacy we had to try and convince people to vote these are some of the reasons we you should vote

Living Shadow's

 Living Shadows

it was quiet "Why is it so misty" said Misty "well that's ironic your name is Misty" I said annoyed "Let's just find this stupid haunted mansion" she said in return. black dark pebbles where scattered on the road dead looking trees made an arch down the road. Misty pulled my shirt pulling me back "HEY WHAT WAS THAT FOR MISTY" I shouted then I spotted the strange shadow that stood there in the mist. "oh" I said starting to worry "I don't think where alone" Misty whispered in my ear the shadow came more clear. just two red eyes we checked around... more red eyes "grrrr" "WOLVES" Misty screamed yep she was right 5 wolves jumped of the bushes and chased us. "how are we gonna escape" I said rushed as we sprinted "the mansion" Misty said "oh no" I thought... "hehe" a magic broomstick landed next to us "high-jack it quick" Misty said "wait where robbers now? I said in return grabbing the broomstick. "okay let's high-jack it" I said hopping on the broomstick. get on i grab Misty's hand and pulled her on "BARK BARK WOLF" the wolves barked "thank goodness um but how do we control this" I said "you are a witch" Misty said... "FINE i'll try" I muttered we lifted into the clouds the clouds where grey but we spotted a small witch hut on a floating island it was abandoned it actual said that on the sigh. dark black grass spruce wood walls a little staircase that led to the entrance we looked back at the cloud's what stood there was horrifying... The Shadow was back... with a knife... "Misty i think the Shadow's after us" I said horrified "then let's head back" she said scared  i quickly ran to the broom stick a hopped on the Shadow appeared closer... Misty hopped on to and flied into the air. I looked back at the Shadow and in a flash it was gone "it's definitely after us and i don't think it's going to stop until it kill's us" I said horrified

Thursday, October 29, 2020

The Feathery Hunter (With Willow, Check out her blog for the lions POV)


Darkness start to fall as the moon rises hmm... Maybe i should head to the desert sandy hills and giant rocks simple I just need to fly across so i lifted my wings and flapped i lifted into the air and flied into the dissent. I landed on one of the rocks a small village or a big village with small house where strangely surrounding a crater.

on a rock near me I spotted a lion? I think it was is a few mega cheetah guards where there in a second one fell to the ground i turn to the lion a bow was in its paws i think it wants to RULE OVER THE WORLD!! I need to stop it right that's the good the thing to but im a owl. Oh wait this is a human animal world can't I transform into a owl girl, poof my brown hair brushed, the winded well I still have wings right?

I walked down a black sword with a moon symbol on it was laying on the ground, I should attack the lion before its to late i start to run after the lion hes faster then me but not faster then me when im flying. I lift into the air  landed behind the lion and grabbed him and pushed him to the ground he shouted "LET ME GO" and screamed again "gosh this is annoying" I punched him and he tried to shoot me with a arrow i backed away quickly i think hes knocked out now.

 What do I do? maybe I- oh I know I should tie him up to a wall and take his weapons a he only has a bow well that's mine now. I pulled out some ropes and tied him to a wall I had placed his weapon in a small dark purple bag now I wait for him to wake up a few minutes later he started to wake up, "Why were you trying to rule over the world" I said disappointed. "I was doing it for my mum and dad they died from mega cheetahs they used to live in crack town" he said sadly "well not a good enough reason to try and take over the world you crazy person" I yelled i pulled out me sword and holded close to his neck "I- I... YOUR RIGHT" he says and he started to sob "your a big baby aren't ya?" i muttered as i untied the ropes.

 "if you do that again your DEAD" I said letting him go "wait whats your name? I said "Umm...I don't have one my mum and dad got killed before they could name me..." he said awkwardly "well then ya names Dewei got it, I guess I should tell you mine I'm Moon-Glow" (only the terraria people will understand) I said "Haha thanks for the name Moon-Glow, Ya know you would make a good police, Now I should get going! You wanna come??" Said Dewei "No thanks, got to look after my egg's" i said proudly "Yep sounds go- YOU HAVE EGGS!? WHO'S THE FATHER? he said "A owl" I said back at him and left. 

Friday, October 23, 2020

The Shopping Trip

The Shopping Trip

tall palm trees stretched to the next floor blue purplish light tangled the trees. the sound of chitter chatter filled my ears. blue and white firework looking lights hanged from the ceiling. i could see from the first floor that a McDonald's was on the 5th floor! clean shiny white walls and smooth concrete floors with black x's on it. relaxing cream coloured cushioning seats and Bright green potted plants.bright colourful lights with store logos on them. i spotted a women with a light brown coat with black buttons. walking into the daire's shop. busy people bumped into each other. i heared the sound of the cash register ch-ching. i realized there's one problem at this mall WHERE'S THE BATHROOM'S. i saw furniture store's, food store's, clothing store's, and even makeup stores. but not BATHROOM'S i could smell salty chips and cheesy burgers from the McDonald's store. i could see faint people in the distant. cold air brushed my face as i entered the McDonald's store. i could see big burgers stacked with lettuce, tomato, cheese, and beef paddies. marble tables with tiny bits of food some even with drinks spilled on them. workers chatted with customers as they take there orders. ch-ching a cash register went. there were a lot of lights on the ceiling.

What I Have Learnt About Fractions

 What I Have Learnt About Fractions This Term.

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Monday, October 12, 2020

Orana Park

When we arrived at Orana Park we saw that a lot of people were there waiting as well. We waited and finally it was our turn we entered and asked about the children's university sheet. They gave us one of the sheets and we carried on with a trip. First we checked out the... Meerkats they walked around and stared at us one was standing on a big branch its like it was the king! We had to ask a zookeeper a question. (for childern's university) what do meerkats use to keep sand away from there eyes? then we moved onto emos i thought they were cute but wills didn't want us to stay there to long. We went to the tigers but sadly they got put down because they were sick and were going to die from the sickness anyway. :(
So we carried on...


Blue and sliver metallic metal plane wings stretching out the metal reflected in blues and slivers a black line kept the colour's from mixing on the plane. Jets sped up keeping the plane in the air the wind whirled as the plane floated. Two young boys cheekily had escape onto a plane wing. The sky was clear but that was because they were above the clouds. Pointing down at the clouds an opening had appeared and a small speck they spotted was there house. They didn't look scared of heights.

"Look at that cloud Jake it looks like an dog eek" screamed the brown haired kid. A noise was coming from inside the plane... They checked curiously as waiter was walking down the inside of the plane. Giving out candy's! The kid grabbed an axe and smashed the window jumped in and stole the candy's.