
Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Surreal Dream

I stared at the dark clouds and noticed that some of the clouds seem to be glowing a blueish colour. I looked closer, the outline of a lantern. I stared at a different one searching for that lantern outline. It was there, I searched for a way to get up. The hill maybe... The tall redwood trees? What to do... I decided on the redwood trees and dashed through the forest the sound of cracking sticks and crunching dry leaves, followed behind me. I found a tall redwood tree around 7 stories tall and started climbing. Making my way through the lush leaves until I reached the top...

I saw the light of the moon shine down of me as I pushed away the last leaves and standing on a large branch at the top. I looked down searching for any sigh of the lanterns. Then a bright glimmer and one appeared. "They are here I wasn't hallucinating!!!" I cried in joy. But why were they here? Where did they come from...?

As one of the lanterns reached the top of the redwood tree I grabbed it examining it. What was inside? I looked closer. It seemed as if a pixie fluttered inside. "Maybe I could break the glass and figure out what's causing the light?" I broke a nearby tree branch and slammed it into the glass smashing it. Then a small glowing blue dot with what seemed to have wings fluttered out what its a...

"PIXIE" I screeched falling off the tree... Then I blacked out and I woke up in my bed...? So maybe it was just a dream... "Thats shenanigans!" Amy said my best friend. I guess it really was just a dream...


Monday, December 6, 2021

Visual Art -Arts

Today we finished off our 3 week project. We were inspired by Reuben Patterson and made painting using his painting as inspiration.

Monday Mashup 2021 term 4


I kinda just scribbled to see what tunes I could get and this is what I got in return.

Friday, December 3, 2021

Curiosity Poem

 Curiosity Poem

Curiosity, Curiosity,

What do you mean?

Am I interested in a object?

Or something else?

What could that be?

Being Curious is odd.

What interested me in this?

Is it an object or living being? 

Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Stranded in Space || Quick write 2021 term 4

I Stared up into the sky. What were the other planets like? Did they have life? I turned back to my book. As a smashing noise filled the air, I ran towards the noise into the dorm kitchen. My eyes darted around the room searching for where the noise might have come from. There lying on the checkered floor was a golden sparkly lamp. With of course broken glass as I look at my broken window. I rubbed my eyes, was I seeing things, or was my window seriously broken? Was this another prank from my neighbours next door? I stared at the lamp slowly heading towards it… Then there was a swirl of purple smoke and a genie appeared! I couldn’t believe my eyes! I grabbed a sticky note from my pocket and started writing what I wanted down… The genie explained the rules as I wrote… “3 wishes 3 rules… one I can’t kill anyone, two can't bring back the dead, three I can’t make people fall in love with you and four you can’t wish for more wishes… what's your wish?” I chuckled and said “I wish anything written on this sticky note would come true…” The genie glared at me “smart” the genie said but you have two more wishes. What are you gonna do now? “I wish to be teleported to Saturn and to have a spaceship that can teleport anywhere by saying the location and who's going to be teleported where!” Then the genie disappeared and the world went black… I woke up to I black sky and gas all around me. Was I really on Saturn…?

Chapter 2 Lost Cause

She forgot how would her family know where she was? What was her next move? She walked around in the cloud like gas, but she could walk on it it was one of the very things she wished for on that note... She wandered thinking but then remember the spaceship. Then in a blink of a eye it appeared it look like those toy ones you could get but like x100 the size. It was grey with red fins and tip, with a clear blue window. I boarded slowly making my way up the steps. when I was inside I chanted "Name Annie Ray... Location Earth South America braze street." I blackout and awakened again on my home street of course! I walked to my parents house and knocked loudly on the white wooden door. The breeze carry the multicoloured autumn leaves... The door opened slightly and my mums face glared at me "Who are you?" She asked politely.