
Friday, August 27, 2021


More fun activities, you can probably tell from the title that this was tricky. So yeah me and my mum paired up today and made cheesecake. There were three layers first the cookie base then the cream cheese layer (whatever you call it) and the jelly layer. We/me choose the blue jelly. It has to cool for 4 hours and I wanna eat it now! This was a very fun adventure and me and my mum bonded. Afterwards we watched a cooking show (it made us look like noobs compared to the master
piece's they made! That's really all I have to tell today. Stay safe!

Tuesday, August 24, 2021


You can probably tell already this is gonna be horrible but I still gave it a shot...
We got a sewing kit at the book fair on Monday and now its lockdown so I decided to give it a shot. I took a while 45 min to 1 hour it was painful, I kept stabbing myself with the needle by accident and dropping it and losing the needle (there's still one lying around, thats something for me to be excited about.)  I also had trouble getting the floss into the needle (It took me forever.) and I had some trouble tying the knot. So I did finish and my brother gave me a good when he saw it (I did it all by myself and it was my first time.) I was proud and hearing a good from my brother was a miracle.

Here's the end result! (I plan on making more.)

Friday, August 13, 2021


I looked around is the world a better place now. I thought back to the time I had been shot in battle. it was winter I think I can't quite recall. I was in the Russian army we were battling against a different country, I was firing at the enemy forces. Then at the moment I heared a gun shot and everything went black. I woke up again it was blury at first but it cleared up quickly. The doctors had told me I was shot and retrieved by other men, I remember seeing a other man being brought through he had multiple injuries it had looked like he was hit by a bomb. As I entered the battle field I pulled out a gun and shot a man, I felt guilty remembered my family back at home what if he had one to?

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Under the Earth's Surface

The Inner Core 
The inner core is made out of solid iron.

The Outer Core
The outer core is made out of molten iron.

The Mantle
The mantle is made out of rock. The mantle is a very hot part of earth causing the liquid to behave, like liquid and solid.

The Crust
The crust is the part of the earth were most life is were we move and live. The crust is much thinner and breakable compared to other layers. The crust is 5-70km deep, depending on were you are on top of a mountain or under the ocean. the crust isn't endless all the way around the earth, it is split into pieces call tectonic plates.

Tectonic Plates
Scientists think the earth is made of 6 majorly large tectonic plate and a few more smaller ones. The plates fit like a puzzle and float on on the partially molten mantle. The slowly move and bump against each other, a few millimetres a year to up to 20 cm. It is the bumping and rubbing of the tectonic plates thet cause earthquakes and volcanoes

The Earth/Candyland

The Candy Earth
Today we made a representation of earth.
We stuffed the m & m into the marsh-mellow, then coated the marsh-mellow in chocolate and we waited for it to dry before squeezing it to make cracks for tectonic plates.

Marsh-mellow (Mantle)
Chocolate Coat (Crust)
Cracks in Chocolate Coat (Tectonic Plates)
M & M Shell (Outer Core)
M & M Inside (Inner Core)

EATTTT!!! :3

Temperature, Capacity and Mass Slideshow

 Temperature Capacity and Mass.

Literacy Circles

For literacy we did literacy circles about this book based off Matariki, heres what we did!

Tuesday, August 3, 2021

The Egg Earth

The Egg Earth
Today for Inquiry me and my group (Willow, Eloise and Sophia-Jane) made connections with the earth and a hard boiled egg. We smashed the outside of the egg slightly for the egg shell to look like it was split into tectonic plates. 
Listed parts of the egg we compared to the earth.
  • Egg Shell (the Crust)
  • Egg White (the Mantle)
  • The grey part around the yolk (Outer Core)
  • The Yolk (Inner Core)


Monday, August 2, 2021

Monday Mashup (3)


Today for Monday mashup I drew a random creature I named it Mushy Kat-shy.