
Friday, March 19, 2021


Golden sun shined down on the dolphins, the clear blue water splashed as the danced around gracefully. Shiny sliver body's with fins and gills. "beautiful aren't they" I said sliding me hand down ones back. The dolphins danced jumping in sink and and diving to. there were around five.
One looked different pale and white red eyes. It danced gracefully with the others but it was front it was the leader of the group is it "albino?" I mutter "albino" Said the man behind me,

"Who the heck are you!?" I said staring into there blue eyes "i'm the seller of course" he said "YOUR SELLING THEM!?" I yelled "why of course" he said  "why would somebody do that!?" I said mad "money is all that the world rotates around I need money I may be rich but these animals would be perfect for a circus" he said glaring at me sneakily "would you like do buy one?" he said "there around 50k for all of them" he said proudly. "I'll  buy them" I say "amazing!" he say's  "QUIET WOULD YOU!" I shout he glares at me

"here take a dive" I whisper in his hear I shove him into the water 'splash' he swims to the surface "UGH WHY!?" "cause why not?" I say looking down at the man I walk away open the door walk in and lock thee building setting the fire alarm off to put the man in panic! "he he he cause why not? Your the one selling animals" I whisper to myself. 

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