
Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Dancing figure

The night out the music halls are silent and black 'drip drop drip' "drop" said a voice "huh?" I said. "Drip drop" The voice said it's getting closer 'tip tap' "drip drop drip" the voice said. This time right behind me a tall figure danced away as I turn behind me. "Who's there I" I said again I had spotted the figure again this time it knew where I was... 


 A soft breeze its sunny and warm a great day for horse riding. the sound of bird chirping and singing in the morning sun.

A beautiful field of tasty green fresh grass and two ponies nuzzling happily. Fluffy fuzzy manes one pony had dark chocolate brown coat the other had caramel colored coat.

 The horses nuzzled and snuggled. The dark brown one staggered back turned and bolted into a gallop the other direction the pony stopped eventually and turned. They were about fifteen meters apart they stared blankly at each other. The caramel one trotted towards the other nuzzling once again. 

Friday, March 19, 2021


Golden sun shined down on the dolphins, the clear blue water splashed as the danced around gracefully. Shiny sliver body's with fins and gills. "beautiful aren't they" I said sliding me hand down ones back. The dolphins danced jumping in sink and and diving to. there were around five.
One looked different pale and white red eyes. It danced gracefully with the others but it was front it was the leader of the group is it "albino?" I mutter "albino" Said the man behind me,

"Who the heck are you!?" I said staring into there blue eyes "i'm the seller of course" he said "YOUR SELLING THEM!?" I yelled "why of course" he said  "why would somebody do that!?" I said mad "money is all that the world rotates around I need money I may be rich but these animals would be perfect for a circus" he said glaring at me sneakily "would you like do buy one?" he said "there around 50k for all of them" he said proudly. "I'll  buy them" I say "amazing!" he say's  "QUIET WOULD YOU!" I shout he glares at me

"here take a dive" I whisper in his hear I shove him into the water 'splash' he swims to the surface "UGH WHY!?" "cause why not?" I say looking down at the man I walk away open the door walk in and lock thee building setting the fire alarm off to put the man in panic! "he he he cause why not? Your the one selling animals" I whisper to myself. 

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

My Pepeha


This is my Pepeha I learned that Georges river is this closest river to sandy point (Australia) and that South-land Mountain is the closest Mountain to sandy

Monday, March 15, 2021

The Cup Tower Challenge!

 Today for Monday mashup we did the cup tower challenge! For this challenge we had build a tower using only Popsicle sticks and cup. whoever had the tallest wins that simple. the first time when tried we had trouble, teamwork trouble we had some problems with friendship. There was a bit of fighting but we got over it. (our tower fell we don't know how tall it is) Second time we made a base with small plastic cups and stacked the larger paper cup on top but we used the Popsicle sticks to we place two on the edges of each side then place the next cup. Little did we know... We won with a whooping 1.9 meters high!


My Team

Monday, March 1, 2021


(character description light cyan skin, tropical blue eyes, dark green over-sized hoodie, army patterned pant's tropical blue hair, white socks, black shoes, transparent light blue wings, white and sky blue staff, light blue glowing antenna, blue fire, nature and light magic and white fox features (tail, ear's, claws, and nose.)

Hello is someone there  "Crack" "Bang" "Smash". Who's there stay away. Leave me ALONE! "AHH"
(Flashes white) "huh what happened that dream again." WHYS IS MY SKIN A LIGHT CYAN COLOUR" "Oh right I- I - don't know" I woke up like this last night what do I do? If m-m-om sees me like  this... She will surely kill me! What do I do? "Oh okay that's my ticket outta here. Spots portal right in front of the door "see-ya home I had a nice time living here". Walks through the portal... White surrounds me its my bully appears seriously dude I roast this girl everyday "Oh would look at that it's a ugly person" Say's the bully "BOI you look so ugly with the lipstick like look that doesn't look right I mean its so smudged you need to work on your makeup also that dress is ugly like look it its green, brown, pink, yellow, and black that just doesn't match." I said in return  "how rude I am pretty" said the bully hands on her hips "nah your not pretty like your hair is so messy get yourself together woman" I said to counter it. My bully fades away. My mom appears "MIA YOU BRAT WHERE ARE YOU I WANT TO YOU TO CLEAN THE HOUSE DO THE DISHES MAKE ME FOOD AND WASH THE CAR NOW!!! YOU DUMB BRAT" mom screamed at me "ye-s mom" I said. "Face your fears Mia" a strange voice said 'breathes' "mom you dumb bully im not your maid leave me alone im calling the police" I said 

The point of this quick story is 
                                                              face your fears.
you can DO IT! 

Now the actual story!
Where am I?  "oh did I hear heaven nice im angel" I said "WHO SAID YOU WHERE IN HEAVEN"

Line up your going to war (Quick Write)

Line up your going to war
say bye to your family get ready to die
Line up your going war
 get your sword and slice some people
Line up your going to war
hope you train cause this is the day


March March all you want
nobody wanted this its not your fault
Your not getting out of this problem what's your plan?
Did you think before you shot?
do you want to kill innocent people
would you be able to hold that guilt
Line up your going to war 
Hope you have a plan...


Bang Bang guns fired
your not getting out of this 
hid behind a tree this is probably going on for a few years
You never wanted this did you?
these innocent lives dying all 

When the Romans tried to conquer Moray
Hope you make it.