
Thursday, August 6, 2020

Magic Biscuits!

Date: 6/8/2020
im the corgi willow the other dog
"Woof Woof" i barked owner is that DOG TREATS! Willow ran over "BARK BARK" she barked she sat there next to me in a split second owner drop the bag the bag smashed INTO THE GROUND!!! "NO" owner scream "WOOF" i barked Willow had her mouth dug into the treats small dog bones and shapes tumbled as she moved her snout. CRUNCH! Willow started to sparkle she started to GROW? NO WAY! owner picked me up "BY THE NAME OF THE CORGIS WHATS HAPPENING" i barked Willow had gone through the ROOF! owner had place me down on the kitchen floor i stuffed my head in  the dog treats and bit into one CRUNCH! i sparkled it felt weird i was giant me and willow raced into the back yard owner poured dog  biscuits and water into two tires different tries CRUNCH! CRUNCH! me and willow bit into the biscuits they snapped CRUNCH! owner went on his phone IM PUTTING YOU DOGS UP FOR ADOPTION!!! NOOOO!!!! me and willow barked and growled. owner started getting scared to giant dogs coming after you probably isn't fun. owner ran inside and the door bell rang DING DONG DING DONG! we could here it from the back yard. two SPCA people ran into the house me and willow ran straight through the fence. "we should take the treats" i shouted we ran around behind the house willow stomped on the ROOF! she bit into one of the treats CRUNCH! and shrank smaller and smaller she grab the bag and shoved the treats back into the bag and bit and bit into a treat again CRUNCH! she holded the bag in her mouth as she grew and grew the SPCA people tried to taser willow luckily they missed instead zapping owner me and willow ran straight into the forest... 



  1. Ka pai Olivia, I like the fact you explained this story from the dogs point of view. Did you enjoy writing this?

  2. thank you for commenting on my blog
    yes i did enjoy this writing it was very fun to create

  3. Chapter 2 Camping Trip...I wonder what happens next :)


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