
Monday, June 15, 2020

Pruning The Trees

Pruning The Trees
Today Monday we prune the trees i didn't
finish because i wanted to do this post.
We had an orchids lady come to teach us how to do it 
first she gave us a tool i can't remember its name.
Then she told us how to do a bud cut you line
up the tool with the bud and you snip it.
But make sure you don't cut the bud after practicing.
We did the collar cut its when you chop off the hole
branch we line up the tool with the start of the tree
branch a sniped it. Beware it does make a annoying sound we started sniping the tree
by doing bud cuts after about an half hour of cuting and cuting we finished one tree. Then we moved on to cuting.
The apple trees we need an ladder for this she the orchid
lady seted up an ladder for us to use. We had to climb up the ladder and then do three bud cuts and then have a different person have a turn. then i left after doing
that for a bit to make this post.


  1. Hi Olivia, Thank you for sharing about how you learnt to prune the trees. It looks like you had a bit of problem with your formatting. Remember when you paste into the blog to use "control, shift V" This should help keep it on the page. Great writing.

  2. thank you for the advice. thank you for commenting on my blog. :3


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