
Wednesday, July 29, 2020

The Measurement Adventure

I am going to measure:
The length and width of the playground

My estimate is:
80m length

The accurate measurement is: 28.47m length

I am going to use: 
a Tape measure📏
I am going to measure:wooden seat

My estimate is: meter length

The accurate measurement is: 2 meters

I am going to use:📐 meter ruler

Friday, July 24, 2020

Holiday sleepover girls go games

Holiday sleepover

no boys aloud reading this there is girls go games included this is a warning! ⚠️

Willow came at 5.16pm late!It started with playing VIDEO GAMES!i wont be showing you that tho im gonna tell you about princess maker!we were looking a girls go games and found princess maker we started by making our selves we made a lot more hears some pictures of what we did!

Quick Write The Little Hedgehog

The Little Hedgehog

The little creature was curled up in a spiky ball.
Spikes in every direction poking anything it touched.
The night sky shine with glowing stars.
The creature turned his head up to me.
Dark brown eyes stared at me.
The creature rolled onto my hands poking me with his spikes.
The white tips on his spikes stabbed into my hands!

Thursday, July 23, 2020

collage animal

name: popintart!
animal type: pop tart dragon
glitch multi color cat
famliy: nyan cat ,dragon cat,kittybatwolf, and his girlfriend
is nya nya,
gender:  male
favorite food: poptarts
favorite color: all of them!
favorite hobbies:yeeting people
i made this during technology time!

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Luna Dark

Luna dark  
description: long black hair
deep purple eyes sliver moon clip
away's in her hair black in a ponytail and purple school uniform freckles
personality: kind shy likes reading books about fantasy
likes writing. birthday: 2016 august 16 age: 14
chapter one unknown power
the sun shine brightly through curtains Luna dark had woken up.
strangely a blue light shined at the bed Luna sat to see what it was
a blueish purple portal had open in the bed room. MUM! Luna shouted
Luna's mother rushed into the room objects like books and pencils were sucked
into the portal. she look to a nearby curtain Luna grabbed the nearby curtain facing her bed
the curtain started ripping as Luna floated into the air the curtain had fully riped
and Luna was sucked into the portal she ended up flying onto a bed an old
lady looked about 40 was holding a wand was blueish purple sparkles twinkling
the woman turned around hello she said in a soft tone why am i here? said Luna moving
away... the woman poofed away in a puff of smoke two pieces of papers glided down
flopping onto the floor the papers glowed a purple color Luna covered her eyes blocking the glow
slowly Luna walked closer to the papers slowly stretching her hands out quickly grasping
the papers the glow stopped it was a school schedule and a dorm number.
the schedule had this written on it                         dorm number had this written on it
1st period.  4th period.                                                                137
spells. math's.
2nd period. 5th period.
what your powers are. writing.
break. break.
3rd period. 6th period
reading. science
day: monday starts: 8.30am  school: magic high school

Luna was confused did they enroll me to school well i guess this my life now if i go to
school what time does it start

music 4

Wednesday, July 1, 2020