
Friday, September 6, 2019

If I Was A Whale For A Day...

If I was a whale for a day...  

I would have squid, skate, shark, octopus for breakfast.
Fun fact about sperm whales: Newborn sperm whales weigh 1,000 kg and are about 4 meters long. 

What I could look like:  look at the picture that is what I could look like.

What I could fight: the giant squid.

Lunch: squid skate shark fish octopus.
Fun fact sperm whales eat 1000 kgs everyday
What I would do: slap my tail on the water's surface that's a fact.

Orca whales guide to catching seals
  1. Wait for the seal to go close to the water
  2. Get your teeth out
  3. STRIKE! 

Dinner: squid fish skate shark octopus
        Time to sleep…