
Friday, June 28, 2019

My Matariki Fishy

                              I made this fishy for Matariki its name is fishy it is a girl fishy.
                              How i made it i got a Peace of origami paper i did some folding
                              then i started cutting it finally i started gluing it i started making
                              it pretty.   

                                                           I LOVE IT !!!!!

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

The Rollercoaster Ride

The wheels began turning as the carriage started moving along the tracks. I started
getting scared but excited. I was waiting for the big drop. My heart started pounding and then zoom! It went super fast i was amazed excited. It went smooth for a bit But then there was another big drop this time I was really scared and dizzy. It was bigger i was getting more nervous by the second and it went zooom!!! finally the big drops are over i think in my head. It was getting more peaceful now i started getting relaxed and relaxed it was going side to side now. We were close to the end of the ride but it had started getting rapper now there were twists and turns now it was getting speeder and speeder weeee it started going slower and slower it started going up down and side to side now.   

Monday, June 17, 2019

Sandra Silberzweig abstract art self portraits

Sandra Silberzweig
We did abstract art self portraits this is my one i think i went to far but still like it.

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

My Art

      I made this with Lisa Maree it was Amazing because color it in and getting marbles.